Male dealing with Constant Hot Flashes resulting in Sweating
Hi All -
First post here. I am a 37 yr old male that has been experiencing the same symptoms for over 6 years now. I still do not even have a diagnosis and it is very frustrating as my condition has had a material impact on my day-to-day life.
More times than not during the day (everyday), I have a burning/tingling sensation throughout my body but mostly in my core. The heat than causes my body to sweat. Mostly in my core and underarms. I could be naked in the middle of a winter storm, and while I would be freezing on the outside, on the inside I would still feel like I am on fire. The feeling starts around 30 seconds to 1 minute after waking up while still lying in bed. It tends to get better very late in the evening but never really gone.
When I go through an actual stressful situation where it would be normal to get that clammy sweaty feeling, than it'll pretty much look like I just took a shower. It’s almost like my body was already primed with something in it, and then here comes the real adrenaline rush that just crushes me.
I have gone through several endocrine and immunology tests with really none of my test levels out of what is considered a normal range. The one test that consistently comes back very high (usually double the normal range but one time 5x the normal range), is Complement C4A, which seems to be an inflammation marker. Based on my googling, it is most connected with Lyme disease and Mold Toxicity. I have had tests done for both of those which were negative.
Anyone have any ideas what this could be and what I am missing here.
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I too was struggling with debilitating hot flashes. I found some relief with a supplement called DIM and started adding ground flax seeds to my smoothies. I also visited an acupuncturist trained in TCM. My hot flashes have decreased about 80%