Coninually low potassium

Posted by csienna @csienna, May 6 1:59pm

Have 5 nets in liver, lymph node, and kidney. Diagnosed almost 2 years ago. From at least then--and maybe before--potassium has been either too low or borderline low, even with addition of potassium tabs. Since it began before Lanreotide injections, I can't blame that (though it's resulted in diabetes & high blood pressure!!). Has anyone else experienced this with potassium? Have any suggestions? When I up my potassium dose, I usually have more energy.

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I was having a problem with my potassium thought it was because I just started Afinitor
But it was the lab
They weren’t spinning the blood properly and they were tying off my vein too tight
Such little things that caused red flags to go off
I don’t know your situation but wanted to give you a heads up to mine
Good luck


I was having a problem with my potassium thought it was because I just started Afinitor
But it was the lab
They weren’t spinning the blood properly and they were tying off my vein too tight
Such little things that caused red flags to go off
I don’t know your situation but wanted to give you a heads up to mine
Good luck

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Thanks; I have blood test in a couple of hours and I'll ask about this.


Thanks; I have blood test in a couple of hours and I'll ask about this.

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Another thing do t let them put a lower and upper tie off on your arm my doctor said that could also cause a bad result


I was having a problem with my potassium thought it was because I just started Afinitor
But it was the lab
They weren’t spinning the blood properly and they were tying off my vein too tight
Such little things that caused red flags to go off
I don’t know your situation but wanted to give you a heads up to mine
Good luck

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Thank you!

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