Conflicted on taking medication

Posted by rabab101 @rabab101, Oct 11, 2019

I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer, grade 1
I didn’t need chemo or radiation. My oncologist informed me that I have to be on tamoxifen to reduce chances of recurrence. I was miserable.
I quit taking it after two weeks.
I’ve been a health but most of my life and have never been a pill popper.
Extremely conflicted about taking my chances without medication.
Can anyone offer me insight on how they feel about it? Please help me decide what to do. Feel free to speak your mind, respectfully of course:-)

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How old are you if you don’t mind me asking. I am 61 and also on the fence about taking anastrozole. I had 2.5mm mixed ductal and lobular removed with clear margins and no spread to lymph nodes. Stage 1a. 4 weeks of radiation also. I did not need chemo, I am thin with osteopenia, but healthy otherwise. My oncologist highly recommends taking anastrozole to prevent cancer reoccurrence not just in the breasts but anywhere in the body. I started it two days ago and will know in a couple of weeks how I feel. So far so good. It seems that this drug has worked well in preventing recurrences in research studies. If the side effects become unbearable I will definitely reconsider something else. It is truly a conundrum trying to figure out the risks. In the end I decided I would like to decrease the odds of cancer recurrence while also working with a naturopathic doctor. Sending healing thoughts and energy your way.

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I will consider the anti hormonal drug anastrozole. Thanks for your response


I did 15 days of radiation. My oncologist said if I was 65+ no radiation needed.

My aunt had my same breast cancer except she’s 70. No meds. No radiation. I got the impression she opted not to take the meds.


I’m 69 had surgery last year. There’s no research that shows how many women don’t take the anti hormone therapy. In this day and age it’s all about pushing more drugs on us. Sorry but I believe I will be fine . Faith, love, strength and healthy choices. That’s my prescription.


I did 15 days of radiation. My oncologist said if I was 65+ no radiation needed.

My aunt had my same breast cancer except she’s 70. No meds. No radiation. I got the impression she opted not to take the meds.

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I am 74 and my oncologist said no radiation and no meds because there is an 8% chance of cancer coming back and 4% coming back with radiation and meds so I do not think I want meds with side effects like osteoporosis. I am thin and have osteopenia


I’m supposed to be taking anastrozole. I haven’t started it yet. I have the same worry about osteoporosis since I have osteopenia now because of all the side effects that list it putting it off! Tough decision and 72 for very active life. Mine was 96% estrogen related


I’m 63, couldn’t take some meds due to history of massive saddle pe & dvt. I also have a lot of arthritis due to flat feet & I also have osteopenia. I elected not to take meds, however, I am taking radiation on the advice of my oncologist & doctor. It is a tough decision, but after reviewing risks/ side effects / benefits, my decision was I need a quality of life. You make the decision that is right for you. My thoughts & prayers are with you.


I’m supposed to be taking anastrozole. I haven’t started it yet. I have the same worry about osteoporosis since I have osteopenia now because of all the side effects that list it putting it off! Tough decision and 72 for very active life. Mine was 96% estrogen related

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I was 96% estrogen related too. I am 74. No radiation and no anti hormone drugs. I also put new saline implants back in at surgery.


I was 96% estrogen related too. I am 74. No radiation and no anti hormone drugs. I also put new saline implants back in at surgery.

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I had a lump, ectomy and lymph nodes removed under my arm. There was no metastasis. Thank God because we caught it early in the tumor was smaller in size. They put me on a fast track of five days of radiation. But as I mentioned, I’m still not sure about taking the pill I have to think about it and do more research.


I had a lump, ectomy and lymph nodes removed under my arm. There was no metastasis. Thank God because we caught it early in the tumor was smaller in size. They put me on a fast track of five days of radiation. But as I mentioned, I’m still not sure about taking the pill I have to think about it and do more research.

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My oncologist said because of my age 74 and possibility of osteoporosis on pill I can forego. Also you had radiation I did not. Oncologist said 8% chance of return without radiation and pill. 4% chance if I did radiation and pill. He feels diff. Of 4% return not a big enough diff to take pill. You had radiation so 4% chance of cancer return. I guess you can try pill and if it does not cause side effects do it for 5 years. I don't know but for myself I am older and 8% chance of cancer coming back is a chance I maybe willing to take
Still on fence. Talk to my oncologist in Dec to decide pill? No pill?

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