Low back pain & neuropathy issues

Posted by timmckinney @timmckinney, Feb 6, 2018

68 years old and lower back+neuropathy issues make staying active hell. Used to be avid jogger and now cannot be on my feet for more than 10-15 minutes. No meds help. Very depressing.

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Homeopathic medicine has been used for 200+years,started by a German physician.basic principles our that if given the chance our bodies can heal themselves by giving small doses of the vaccine to let the body, use it's own natural healing. It just like as kids we had to get vaccinated to prevent measles ,homeopathic medicine works the same way Your not taking enough of the (bug)to do damage to your health ,your enticing your body to heal itself by encouraging the healing process It is not toxic because the ing.are so diluted but gets your healing engine speeding up.I think this is why Arnica tea works so well it's the flowers in miniscule amount.


I forgot to ad the FDA watches not only homeopathic medicine but herbal meds also


There are some websites you can go to:webmd.com,drugs.com,herbwisdom.com


You mention "homeopathic", just what do you mean? Homeopathy used to be the practice of among other things, using trace amounts of some very bad things. Poisons to treat poisoning. There was The College of Homeopathic Medicine in Philadelphia but it closed due to bad press and reopened as a standard Medical college. As far as I know, Herbal remedies, with which I have some real experience, and most holistic practices fall outside of homeopathy. Please expand on what you are referring to when you suggest the use of "homeopathic". Also I was under the impression that we were asked to share what had worked for us without suggesting what other should do. If I say Healing Touch worked for me, you can decide for your self if you should try it. I am an aspiring Qigong healer and part of our training is to never ever suggest that a certain thing cures. It's a very touchy legal issue. For instance I would never suggest you should get a checkup based on what I think I know about your condition. The underlying principle of energy work is that whatever you recieve from these practices is to help you heal yourself and in thew final analysis, even the medicines we take and the surgeries we have basically help us to heal ourselves.

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That's probably why Phildelphia closed ,homeopathic medicine is not doing harm to the body, it's encouraging the body to heal itself.I'm sure like so many things people have given it a bad rap.Read these websites I've posted.I would never give anyone something to hurt them I research before I try anything,as we all should.


Another website that explains it well is Homeopathy.com.



Parus is right. You're not alone. I had compression fractures in my lower back when I fell several years ago, and have peripheral neuropathy pain in my feet. I had a spinal cord stimulator implant in June last year, and the pain in my feet has been reduced significantly, though certainly not completely. It's frustrating not to be able to walk like I used to. I take morphine sulfate contin and I'm trying Gabapentin again. I'm hoping that one of the medications for neuropathy will work, now that I have the stimulator. None of them did anything before.

Going to a pain specialist was one of the best things I've done. He took a sincere interest in helping me. I had been through all the neuropathy meds with the neurologist, with no success.

What doctors have you seen about the neuropathy? Keep pressing them to try everything they can. Don't let them give up.


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vikingdad, I feel the way you do. I want to find what is causing the pain. in 17 years no one can figure out what is causing the pain and pain meds don't work.


Another website that explains it well is Homeopathy.com.

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Thanks, I'll check it out.



Parus is right. You're not alone. I had compression fractures in my lower back when I fell several years ago, and have peripheral neuropathy pain in my feet. I had a spinal cord stimulator implant in June last year, and the pain in my feet has been reduced significantly, though certainly not completely. It's frustrating not to be able to walk like I used to. I take morphine sulfate contin and I'm trying Gabapentin again. I'm hoping that one of the medications for neuropathy will work, now that I have the stimulator. None of them did anything before.

Going to a pain specialist was one of the best things I've done. He took a sincere interest in helping me. I had been through all the neuropathy meds with the neurologist, with no success.

What doctors have you seen about the neuropathy? Keep pressing them to try everything they can. Don't let them give up.


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I guess I'm the lucky one. Gabapentin did not work for me when I took it for nerve pain years ago. I now take it but I take pre Gabapentin which is the generic for Lyrica. I've got so many Oddball kinds of pain in neuropathy I'm not sure which ones it's helping with but it's really helping a lot. Too bad it's so damn expensive. the point of this is that just because Gabapentin didn't work for you doesn't mean that pre Gabapentin or Lyrica won't work for you.



Parus is right. You're not alone. I had compression fractures in my lower back when I fell several years ago, and have peripheral neuropathy pain in my feet. I had a spinal cord stimulator implant in June last year, and the pain in my feet has been reduced significantly, though certainly not completely. It's frustrating not to be able to walk like I used to. I take morphine sulfate contin and I'm trying Gabapentin again. I'm hoping that one of the medications for neuropathy will work, now that I have the stimulator. None of them did anything before.

Going to a pain specialist was one of the best things I've done. He took a sincere interest in helping me. I had been through all the neuropathy meds with the neurologist, with no success.

What doctors have you seen about the neuropathy? Keep pressing them to try everything they can. Don't let them give up.


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I tried Gabapentin a few years ago and it didn't help with my nerve pain. The psychiatrist and my wife say that I had negative side effects. But I decided to give it and others another chance, having had a spinal cord stimulator implant, so I'm trying Gabapentin again, up to just 200mg three times a day. So far no effect, good or bad. I tried Lyrica, but after 3 weeks I became incoherent, and had other things going on, so I spent a few days in the hospital. Bummer is that it was the only neuropathy med that helped the pain. I'm still working on treating the pain that the stimulator isn't reaching.

But that's just my own experience.



What happens to those without others to help them through the dark times?

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