Colonoscopy Question
I had my first Colonoscopy at 51 (average no family risk factors). I was good and I was told to come back in 10 years for another. Fast forward I was due for one this year and opted for Cologuard screening instead. It came back abnormal and now I need to follow up with a Colonoscopy. I was on the fence in the first place and should have done Colonoscopy. Now my anxiety is up and I am not trying to go down the rabbit hole about this. I feel fine and have no GI symptoms to speak of. I have read a lot about false positives (my PCP told me 13%) and I have suffer in the past from hemorrhoids/fissures. Anyone else have this experience that they can share? I just wished now I would have gone with my first instinct and just gotten colonoscopy.
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@dbchip is there a specific reason why you don’t want to get a colonoscopy? For most people it is just the prep procedure that turns them off having another colonoscopy.
I have had a few over the years and dreaded them because I couldn’t stand the thought of having to drink that jug of prep! I hated that stuff - could never finish the entire jug, and would throw up half way through. Then one gastroenterologist prescribed Pico Salax and prep day was a breeze compared to the previous.
Perhaps you could ask your gastroenterologist to prescribe Pico Salax as your prep. It consists of two small sachets of orange flavoured powder, each drunk down dissolved in about four ounces of water. During the day you can drink as many liquids, and Jello, of your choice (except anything red, blue or purple). Now I refuse to have a colonoscopy unless the gastroenterologist prescribes Pico Salax! It is the easiest prep I have ever taken! The colonoscopy itself, as you might know is the easy part because you are sedated.
Some doctors tell you straight up not to do Cologuard if you have hemorrhoids. The latter may be the cause of the blood that the Cologuard has picked up on, not a cancerous polyp. Don't stress yourself out. Get the colonoscopy and find out for sure.
Thanks for the info. I am not worried about the procedure. I had one already it it was easy. I just thought this would be simpler. Now I have to wait and try to stress over if for the next several weeks. Just should have done it all in one swoop like last time.
Well I have tears that happen now and then. I was told by my old PCP to do the Colonoscopy over the Cologrard. Now I have created anxiety as I wait for my appointment. I am following the guidelines and getting my regular screening so I guess that is all I can do
I have had routine colonoscopies and this was my third one after also feeling like I was having a dairy and gluten intolerance. For your peace of mind get the colonoscopy. I had to reschedule due to throwing up the prep but glad I went as they found a tumor. I don’t have experience with the at home test but glad I went and it was found relatively early.
I had my second colonoscopy done about a year ago, as well as an upper endoscopy after a few episodes of trouble swallowing food. My biggest issue with a colonoscopy is the prep, that stuff that they make you drink is vomitable.
The first time I didn't drink enough of it to "do the job" properly, so we had to reschedule the procedure. The second time I managed to gag it down, and the procedure went fine. They removed some polups, but they were all benign. This was about 6 years ago.
When my doctor said I was due for another colonoscopy, he said he'd check me out "top to bottom" at the same time. Great.
I asked him if there was any other way to prep for the test other than that liquid, and believe it or not, they now have one where you take a dozen pills with a quart of water the day before, and the morning of the procedure. This was a piece of cake compared to that other vile liquid.
Ask your doctor for this prep method from now on.
I had no polyps on my last one. Just hoping I don’t have any this time or just some small ones. No one is in a hurry to schedule mine from my provider.
My colorectal surgeon/doctor prescribed a medication consisting of 12 (prescription) tablets and plenty of water during the evening before the colonoscopy. He gave me sedation and I felt nothing/no pain or worry before the colonoscopy. The last thing I remember right before the colonoscopy was the doctor saying "Have a nice nap." And I did. Woke up, feeling good.
What did they give you pre-anesthesia?
I would get an appointment with your Gastroenterologist.
As for me, I have to get them every five years. I was told to throw the mail in test kits in the garbage because they aren’t reliable.