Colon Resection for Diverticulitis , Yet Still Having Pain.

Posted by shelly6862 @shelly6862, Jun 17, 2023

I had colon resection for diverticulitis in December 2022. Four weeks after the surgery, I started having pain the very same area where the surgeon removed the diverticulitis. The pain has not stopped, and is getting worse. It hurts night and day, regardless if I'm laying down, sitting, or standing. It's now almost 7 months since I had the colon resection, and yet this pain has not stopped. CT scans, MRI, and Ultrasound all showed absolutely nothing. I do not know what to do, this pain is very REAL. Is anyone else going through this?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Digestive Health Support Group.

Hi @shelly6862, Welcome to Connect. You are not alone. There are a couple of other discussions on the topic here that you might find helpful.
--- Severe pain 1 yr after colon resection:
--- Problems months after colon resection surgery: What Helps?

You mentioned CT scans, MRI and Ultrasound don't show anything. Are the doctors still looking into what may be causing the intestinal pain?


Hi @shelly6862, Welcome to Connect. You are not alone. There are a couple of other discussions on the topic here that you might find helpful.
--- Severe pain 1 yr after colon resection:
--- Problems months after colon resection surgery: What Helps?

You mentioned CT scans, MRI and Ultrasound don't show anything. Are the doctors still looking into what may be causing the intestinal pain?

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Hi @johnbishop, thank you for the related topic links. I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy in the coming weeks. Hopefully, it will reveal the cause of the pain.


Hi @johnbishop, thank you for the related topic links. I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy in the coming weeks. Hopefully, it will reveal the cause of the pain.

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Hoping you get some answers. Can you let us know how the colonoscopy goes and if it finds the source of the pain?


Hoping you get some answers. Can you let us know how the colonoscopy goes and if it finds the source of the pain?

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Sure thing, will do.


Yes & ended up with c-diff & constant diarrhea


Hi! I’m so sorry you’re suffering in pain still after surgery. I’m wondering if you’ve developed abdominal adhesions from your resection surgery? Adhesions are like scars inside that are normal but adhesions can cause organs to stick to each other, loops of intestines to stick together and to the abdominal wall. They can also encompass nerves and blood vessels, which can get caught in adhesions and be incredibly painful. They generally aren’t visible on any scans, and usually need to be diagnosed via laparoscopic surgery. The issue is, surgery causes adhesions to form so to look for and treat adhesions with surgery is like a catch 22. There aren’t really any other treatments other than surgery, which can make adhesions worse.

I’ve had multiple surgeries and have had adhesions removed every time and they seem to keep reforming in me. That’s why I’m wondering if you have them, your symptoms sound similar to mine. I’ve had two bowel obstructions and two bowel resections from adhesions. They can be very serious


Hi! I’m so sorry you’re suffering in pain still after surgery. I’m wondering if you’ve developed abdominal adhesions from your resection surgery? Adhesions are like scars inside that are normal but adhesions can cause organs to stick to each other, loops of intestines to stick together and to the abdominal wall. They can also encompass nerves and blood vessels, which can get caught in adhesions and be incredibly painful. They generally aren’t visible on any scans, and usually need to be diagnosed via laparoscopic surgery. The issue is, surgery causes adhesions to form so to look for and treat adhesions with surgery is like a catch 22. There aren’t really any other treatments other than surgery, which can make adhesions worse.

I’ve had multiple surgeries and have had adhesions removed every time and they seem to keep reforming in me. That’s why I’m wondering if you have them, your symptoms sound similar to mine. I’ve had two bowel obstructions and two bowel resections from adhesions. They can be very serious

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Hi @llcc8800, thank you so very much for your response, it is very informative! I will give this information to my doctors and hear what they say.

I don't want to go through life with constant pain from surgery adhesions. But, I also don't want to have another laparoscopic surgery to remove them if the end result will be more adhesions forming. Therefore, since your symptoms sound similar to mine, can you please share how you are coping or managing the pain?

Thank you much!


Yes & ended up with c-diff & constant diarrhea

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I'm so sorry you ended up with c-diff. I had it too and it was brutal. Are you taking Vancomycin? That's what helped cure my c-diff.


I'm so sorry you ended up with c-diff. I had it too and it was brutal. Are you taking Vancomycin? That's what helped cure my c-diff.

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How soon did u see results from cdiff that’s what I have now and I just want to gain my weight back and become normal again. Are u all working and stuff with this. I miss my old life.


How soon did u see results from cdiff that’s what I have now and I just want to gain my weight back and become normal again. Are u all working and stuff with this. I miss my old life.

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My doctor put me on Vancomycin for a month and a half because I had c-diff really bad. I was a full time graduate student at the time, and at my doctor's request, my school allowed me to complete the remaining of the semester as a fully remote student. Thank God!
There was no way I could attend classes having constant pain, diarrhea, and serious fatigue.

You will get better, it will take time, but you will definitely get better and regain your weight.

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