Colon Resection for Diverticulitis and Chronic Constipation

Posted by tracy430 @tracy430, Jan 27, 2019

Hi All,

My name is Tracy. I had sigmoid colon resection just about 7 weeks ago for diverticulitis. Before surgery, I could count on one hand the times in my life I needed to take a laxative. Now, I don't really have a choice, as I am suffering from chronic constipation. My surgeon gives me no recommendations, with the exception of more fiber, more water and to be more optimistic that it will improve. I get more depressed by the day, as this is coloring every aspect of my life. My surgeon told me having this surgery would "give me my life back". So far, it's taken all the joy from it. Any input would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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Thank you, @verol65

Recovery was extremely difficult, as I have trouble taking narcotics. Others should not have issues if that is not their case. It has been more than three years now since the surgery and I still have trouble with constipation and the actual BM itself. With more of the rectum removed than is ideal, I feel this is just what I will have to live with. I have not had any issues with diverticulitis since the surgery, so I will take that as a positive. Thank you, again.

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So sorry that you are still finding it difficult after so much time, @blueviolet !
I've seen recommendations to use a bathroom stool when having to defecate, so I have ordered one. I'm not there yet. I'm supposed to have a total resection of the rectum and mesorectum at the end of the month, with a pullthrough and a coloanal anastomosis (two-step Turnbull-Cutait).


God bless, best wishes and thank you for your kind words, @verol65


I had a colon resection in October 2022, had difficulties recovering. Nausea & vomiting with chronic constipation for months. Repeated CT scans didn’t show anything. In January 2023, went to ER, was so sick, abdominal pain, nausea & vomiting had worsened. I was admitted & eventually my gallbladder was removed. I continued to have abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting & constipation for months. GI dr. didn’t seem to think any issues. In Sept 2023, in ER again with severe abdominal pain, vomiting & bloody diarrhea, diagnosed with sepsis, Ecoli & colitis, was in hospital for 8 days. In November 2023,, hospitalized again with a small bowel obstruction, resolved without surgery after 4 days in hospital. I’ve continued to have nausea, occasional vomiting & chronic constipation. I’ve taken Amitiza & Linzess, neither helped my constipation. I never feel well and have not lived a normal life since my colon resection in October 2022. I’m very frustrated and hoping someone on this platform will have some insight to my health issues I’ve been having for the last 15 months. Thank you.


I had a colon resection in October 2022, had difficulties recovering. Nausea & vomiting with chronic constipation for months. Repeated CT scans didn’t show anything. In January 2023, went to ER, was so sick, abdominal pain, nausea & vomiting had worsened. I was admitted & eventually my gallbladder was removed. I continued to have abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting & constipation for months. GI dr. didn’t seem to think any issues. In Sept 2023, in ER again with severe abdominal pain, vomiting & bloody diarrhea, diagnosed with sepsis, Ecoli & colitis, was in hospital for 8 days. In November 2023,, hospitalized again with a small bowel obstruction, resolved without surgery after 4 days in hospital. I’ve continued to have nausea, occasional vomiting & chronic constipation. I’ve taken Amitiza & Linzess, neither helped my constipation. I never feel well and have not lived a normal life since my colon resection in October 2022. I’m very frustrated and hoping someone on this platform will have some insight to my health issues I’ve been having for the last 15 months. Thank you.

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Hello @ssmolkin1968 and welcome to Mayo Connect. As you can see, your post has been moved to a current discussion on the topic of colon resection. This way you can meet (and read the other posts) of members who have also had resections.

In this discussion group you will meet members like @blueviolet @verol65 and @pb50. I would encourage you to read the posts in this group and ask questions or express your concerns. If you read a post that you would like to respond to, just click on the "Reply" button under the post and a new Comment Box (like this one) will open up for you to use.

Often a consultation with a registered dietician can be quite helpful. If your doctor has not suggested this type of referral, you would be wise to ask for one.

Generally, after intestinal tract surgery small, frequent meals that are low in fat are recommended. Has your doctor offered any suggestions as to an eating plan which might help you? Are there any foods that are triggers for some of the problems you mentioned?


So sorry . I hope suddenly you will get relief.


I had a colon resection in October 2022, had difficulties recovering. Nausea & vomiting with chronic constipation for months. Repeated CT scans didn’t show anything. In January 2023, went to ER, was so sick, abdominal pain, nausea & vomiting had worsened. I was admitted & eventually my gallbladder was removed. I continued to have abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting & constipation for months. GI dr. didn’t seem to think any issues. In Sept 2023, in ER again with severe abdominal pain, vomiting & bloody diarrhea, diagnosed with sepsis, Ecoli & colitis, was in hospital for 8 days. In November 2023,, hospitalized again with a small bowel obstruction, resolved without surgery after 4 days in hospital. I’ve continued to have nausea, occasional vomiting & chronic constipation. I’ve taken Amitiza & Linzess, neither helped my constipation. I never feel well and have not lived a normal life since my colon resection in October 2022. I’m very frustrated and hoping someone on this platform will have some insight to my health issues I’ve been having for the last 15 months. Thank you.

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After abdominal surgery adhesions are usually the norm. Adhesions are scar tissue binding abdominal stuff together. Mine started with my appendix rupture in 2015. This has lead me to all of your issues. Don’t eat raw veggies or fatty foods. Chicken and fish are the best. Beef can be problematic but hamburger meat is OK.
Adhesions can be removed with a tedious surgery for the surgeon. They don’t want to do it as the adhesions will only return after a few months.


After abdominal surgery adhesions are usually the norm. Adhesions are scar tissue binding abdominal stuff together. Mine started with my appendix rupture in 2015. This has lead me to all of your issues. Don’t eat raw veggies or fatty foods. Chicken and fish are the best. Beef can be problematic but hamburger meat is OK.
Adhesions can be removed with a tedious surgery for the surgeon. They don’t want to do it as the adhesions will only return after a few months.

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Thank you for your reply @judithclark. I have been on a strict diet since my colon resection, out of necessity since I was feeling so awful. I’m sorry you are having these issues as well.


Hello @ssmolkin1968 and welcome to Mayo Connect. As you can see, your post has been moved to a current discussion on the topic of colon resection. This way you can meet (and read the other posts) of members who have also had resections.

In this discussion group you will meet members like @blueviolet @verol65 and @pb50. I would encourage you to read the posts in this group and ask questions or express your concerns. If you read a post that you would like to respond to, just click on the "Reply" button under the post and a new Comment Box (like this one) will open up for you to use.

Often a consultation with a registered dietician can be quite helpful. If your doctor has not suggested this type of referral, you would be wise to ask for one.

Generally, after intestinal tract surgery small, frequent meals that are low in fat are recommended. Has your doctor offered any suggestions as to an eating plan which might help you? Are there any foods that are triggers for some of the problems you mentioned?

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Thank you for your reply. It’s very helpful to have feedback. I’ve been on a strict diet since my colon surgery. I don’t drink coffee or alcohol and I stay away from sodas. No red meat, processed foods, anything spicy or fried and no lettuce. I’m careful because it’s not worth feeling so awful. I’ve been taking nausea meds before every meal for almost 5 months, sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn’t. I can’t quite pinpoint why because I’m so careful with everything I put in my body. I did see a nutritionist at end of 2022 but maybe it’s time I revisit that, it certainly can’t hurt.


I have had Crohns for 50 years! Back in those days no one ever heard about it. I was diagnosed at Mayo when my home drs. couldn’t figure it out. I ended up having a few surgeries & some resection. Thankfully for the most part I have been doing well. In the last recent years I’ve been having bouts of severe stomach cramping/pain & vomiting. Several times I have gone to the ER. My gastro did the usual tests & said there is a spot that shows some blockage. She said this is most likely from scar adhesions/tissue, but currently is not recommending surgery for the same reason someone else here mentioned- that only more adhesions will form. What I think is happening is that after a period of time a piece of food gets hung up at that point & then everything I eat starts backing up eventually causing severe pain & vomiting. So what I am trying to do is eat small meals/snacks more frequently throughout the day instead of the basic 3 meals. I am eating only foods that are the easiest to digest, drinking more water, exercising & using Miralax daily. Sadly, the things that you’re suppose to eat for good health I avoid because they are difficult to digest. I also am trying stomach massages & exercises that are suppose to help move the food along. I do t know if this will totally solve my problem, but will try anything to avoid surgery! I hope this information helps anyone with similar problems.

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