Colon cancer tests

Posted by bigjye @bigjye, Jul 9, 2023

Hi this is something I thought I would never do but head scrambled.
I received bowel screening 3 months ago and had colonscopy which show 30mm tumour Biopsies were inconclusive and cea was 1.5?
Now sent to different doc for colonoscopy and ct scan and mri next week.I feel fine and 53 years old with a granddaughter on way.Can someone please offer any real info as one doc says it could be cancerous or ore cancerous and other doc said could be benign as its movable.Sorry for rant but sending this to best from Bonnie Scotland.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.

I’m sorry you are going through this, an inconclusive diagnosis is a hard thing to deal with. I was a Sonographer (ultrasound) for many years. There are different characteristics of tumors that are benign, & those that are cancerous. Cancerous tumors are typically fixed in place (not moveable). Having said that, nothing is set in stone. That’s why they do the other tests too. I don’t know if that helps. I wish you the best.

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