Had colon cancer and now CEA is rising: Scared
Colon cancer 10 year and now raised CEA
Just had a colonoscopy and it was fine. Went for my yearly check up and CEA is evaluated to 7. no weight loss, no loss of appetite. I am under a great deal of stress, family, marriage lose of a grandchild. Went back to vaping. Doctor is going to do a ct scan. I am scared to death.
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If you don't have access to CTDNA or Signatera (ask your oncologist), then just trust the standard of care in your area, and in your case the CT or PET. Again, The concept of assay variability is the issue here.... because a CEA value of 1 2 3 or 5 is really the same number, it's only one that number climbs to 10 or 20 is it meaningful at all. I believe a good oncologist would not act on a CEA value alone.
@lida55, as @roywalton mentioned, you are not alone. Other members have worried about rising CEA levels. You may be interested in reading these related discussions:
- CEA up - guessing not good
- Had colon cancer and now CEA is rising: Scared
- Worried about rising CEA levels
Have you learned more with the results of the additional imaging tests?
Thank you for your kind attention
He did petscan 2days ago and we have to wait for results about one week
Thank you for your kind attention.
He did petscan 2 days ago and we have to wait for the result about one week.
@lida55, any update?
I recently had a blood test 3 weeks ago while applying for Term Life insurance.
They did 38 different tests and every one except one came back normal or very good.
What was called the CEA test said “high” and came in at a 4.8.
Not knowing anything at all I researched what that meant and my heart started beating faster at the result.
But I decided to see my primary care doctor who read the report and wanted a blood test in his office.
I did that yesterday.
This morning I’m his office called me and now I am scared out of my mind.
The number went up to 7.
Not sure why the rise although I will admit I am a pretty heavy CIGAR smoker (not cigarettes). I belong to a cigar club and smoke often. Many times during the week.
The doctors office said they are referring me to an oncologist and now kinda worried.
Anyone have something similar to this out of the blue?
I am a little overweight but I’m not sick at all. No weight loss, loss of appetite or anything.
I have had a colonoscopy 3.5 year ago because of some rectal bleeding but it turns out it was just an internal hemorrhoid that would bleed on occasion. Feels weird sharing this but I want it all out there.
During their procedure they also learned I don’t have a gallbladder (removed 10 years ago) and have a hernia in my esophagus but that doesn’t bother me much.
So I feel great but this came out of the blue.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be helpful while I wait for them to call me to be seen.
There have been previous discussions in this form about CEA. It is my considered opinion that you shouldn't rely too much on this especially don't worry yourself sick about it. A level of 5 ng or higher May cause an oncologist to want to do colonoscopy however smokers have higher levels. I understand that Mayo Clinic doesn't even consider unless the value is 20 nanograms or higher. More importantly there are now other tests that are far more useful in making decisions about next steps. Suggest you ask your oncologist about circulating tumor DNA tests that are available, get a good check up a CT in a colonoscopy and take one step at a time! Hope this helps
Hello dear mayo teamMy husband is 40 years old. Near 4 years ago had colon cancer stage 3b. Had surgery and 13 chemo sessions. About 1 year ago his cea level started to increase from 0.9 to 1, 2, 2.2,... and 5 months ago it reached to 4. We did sono, ct scan, pet scan and andoscopy and colonoscopy. Everything was good and just two polyps were removed. One month after his cea was 3.3 and we were happy. Now after 3 month his cea is 4.3.😰Does it mean anyrhing again??? We should repeat all pet and ct and colonoscopy again???? What should we do??? It is like nightmare for me. I really scare from this cea. Five months ago it was 4 then 3.3 and now 4.3.We are going to meet oncologist but could you give me some help and guide me what to do and should i worry?????? Does it mean recurrence?We did pet scan 3 months ago and now cea is 4.3. Was pet scan wrong or it didnt show anything???!!!!We live in iran.Thanks
My husband is still in active treatment, similar situation. I've read about a recently FDA approved blood test marketed as Shield, that seems effective in detecting staged colorectal cancers. Cannot speak from experience with the test yet. I requested more information on this test from my NP last week during my annual physical & look forward to hearing back. Here are a couple of articles related to the approval. Perhaps this would be something for your family to request in addition to the CEA testing. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/29/health/colon-cancer-blood-test-shield.html?unlocked_article_code=1.JE4.nivx.h2fw63Hw8qDc&smid=url-share
I'm uncertain what would be available to you in Iran.
Thank you