Had colon cancer and now CEA is rising: Scared
Colon cancer 10 year and now raised CEA
Just had a colonoscopy and it was fine. Went for my yearly check up and CEA is evaluated to 7. no weight loss, no loss of appetite. I am under a great deal of stress, family, marriage lose of a grandchild. Went back to vaping. Doctor is going to do a ct scan. I am scared to death.
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I was diagnosed with Colon cancer stage last year 12/23. My surgery was done on 01/11/22 since then I have been following with Blood test every three months. My CEA level after surgery was 0.9 03/01/22. Second CEA 1.2 06/01/22 Was done by Labcorp. Third CEA 1.0 09/01/2022 was done by Emory and the recent one was done at Labcorp 12/19 CEA ‘1.9’. Does this level vary by labs? I am currently having an external Hemorrhoid pain and irritation and little bit of bleeding. Does anyone know if Hemorrhoid can be one of the reason for CEA to increase? Or what are the chances of cancer coming back? Sorry I am just scared.
Amazing segarfan. I’m so happy for you.
Received the CT scan results today. All is well no cancer anywhere. Thank u all for your prayers. Cancer sucks
Hang in there and remember stress is harmful! I’m trying myself to practice more stress-relieving techniques. Prayer/meditation/breathing exercises as well as long walks and maybe yoga. Anything to get that nervous energy better under control. Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique. It works wonders sometimes for me.
I M not sure what you’re vaping but smoking can cause elevated CEA so it may be nothing. Were CEA levels a good indicator for you?
CT scan today. Now for the waiting game for the results.
Vaping is not good. It can cause MORE problems. Stay strong, there are remedies fir your condition. Stay close to your Doctor.
They are scheduling a CT scan in the next couple days. So hopefully that will give some answers. Doctor knows just how much stress I am under. But getting this info today just added more to my stress level.
Welcome, @segerfan, I can imagine you're scared. Any test coming back abnormal sets off alarm bells. And you've been under such stress lately. So sorry for the loss of your dear grandchild.
Other members like @denise777 @sallyg @revcindy and others here know exactly what it's like to see rising CEA levels before they get the full picture. It's really hard not to worry.
I want you to know that CEA testing is notorious for false positives, meaning that the test results may show high levels when they are actually not.
Here's more info:
– High False-Positive Rate of Elevated CEA Seen in Patients With Resected Colorectal Cancer https://www.ascopost.com/issues/august-15-2014/high-false-positive-rate-of-elevated-cea-seen-in-patients-with-resected-colorectal-cancer/
I know it's really hard not to be anxious, but as they say "don't put the cart before the horse." The CEA levels are a simple test that may indicate the need for further testing to investigate IF there is a change.
Has further testing been ordered or a second CEA test? When will you be able to have an appointment to talk with your oncologist about next steps?