From what others are posting, you're most likely getting the impression that cold hands and feet as neuropathy symptoms are darn near universal regardless of an individual sufferer's "brand" of neuropathy. Mine is idiopathic large-fiber (no pain, but big-time balance problems) polyneuropathy. I'm vexed by cold hands and feet (overall body-chill, to be honest), a symptom that's most obvious to me and my friends in the spring and fall when my friends are enjoying mild, balmy temps and I'm sitting at the dinner table wearing a mid-winter sweater. Across from me at the table will be my friend Rachel, whose neuropathy is chemo-related, also wrapped in a double-knit sweater. So many of us are alike in this.
Here's wishing you the best possible New Year!
Ray (@ray666)
I have exactly the same as you. I am lucky to live in Fuerteventura from Nov - May. The temperature never really drops below 20° but at night and occasionally in the daytime, I wear warm clothes, leggings, socks, a coat and knitted gloves to go out. 🙄
I have exactly the same as you. I am lucky to live in Fuerteventura from Nov - May. The temperature never really drops below 20° but at night and occasionally in the daytime, I wear warm clothes, leggings, socks, a coat and knitted gloves to go out. 🙄