CMC Arthroplasty with STABLYX Implant

Posted by joynett @joynett, Nov 14, 2018

Hello! 😃 Has anyone had this procedure? I had the LRTI procedure on my left thumb/wrist 10 years ago with great results. But this time, my surgeon suggested the STABLYX implant due to my age and lifestyle. My surgery is scheduled for 11/21/2018 and would love to hear of anyone's experience who has had this procedure done. Thanks!

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Hey all! A week ago I had surgery for my OA. My index and middle fingers were fused at the first joint and they did the stablyx implant. I’ll keep you all updated as to how recovery goes!!


Hello everyone . I am about 11 months post op from my Stablyx surgery . Still constant achy pain which gets worse with anything pinch related . Had a follow up appointment with my doctor today and X-rays showed I have developed a large bone spur on the palm side of the cmc joint . My doctor has consulted with many of his colleagues from UCLA , Standford and a high volume surgeon from Reno NV. The consensus seems to be my pain is coming from the bone spur and possibly some irritation from the FCR tendon rubbing against the implant . I am scheduled for surgery at the end of August to remove the bone spur and possibly do a partial or full release of the FCR tendon. Hoping this procedure will relieve the pain and allow me to get back to playing golf as well as another activities .


Hello everyone . I am about 11 months post op from my Stablyx surgery . Still constant achy pain which gets worse with anything pinch related . Had a follow up appointment with my doctor today and X-rays showed I have developed a large bone spur on the palm side of the cmc joint . My doctor has consulted with many of his colleagues from UCLA , Standford and a high volume surgeon from Reno NV. The consensus seems to be my pain is coming from the bone spur and possibly some irritation from the FCR tendon rubbing against the implant . I am scheduled for surgery at the end of August to remove the bone spur and possibly do a partial or full release of the FCR tendon. Hoping this procedure will relieve the pain and allow me to get back to playing golf as well as another activities .

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Good luck to you. I am 6 months out on mine, done at UCSF in San Fransisco (the closest surgeon to me who does this procedure). My CFR tendon was cut at the wrist to prevent the Stablyx implant from rubbing and potentially rupturing the tendon. I got my finger-tip pinch strength back within a few weeks of surgery, but pinching thumb to the 2nd index finger joint took about 4 months (a different stress on the fixed joint). I rock climb at a gym for fun and exercise, and was able to resume that (although a bit limited) at 2 months. I felt some joint and wrist pain when climbing, but was still able to get in a good workout. My hand continues to improve, but when the storms roll through this area, both hands (fixed and not fixed) ache about the same, in the same places.
I hope all goes well for you, and you can resume your golfing.


Hey all! A week ago I had surgery for my OA. My index and middle fingers were fused at the first joint and they did the stablyx implant. I’ll keep you all updated as to how recovery goes!!

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I am not familiar with stablyx. What is it? I heard of infusion with medicine? what is done with the fingers? Is it because your joints were inflamed or what do they call It-nodes


Good luck to you. I am 6 months out on mine, done at UCSF in San Fransisco (the closest surgeon to me who does this procedure). My CFR tendon was cut at the wrist to prevent the Stablyx implant from rubbing and potentially rupturing the tendon. I got my finger-tip pinch strength back within a few weeks of surgery, but pinching thumb to the 2nd index finger joint took about 4 months (a different stress on the fixed joint). I rock climb at a gym for fun and exercise, and was able to resume that (although a bit limited) at 2 months. I felt some joint and wrist pain when climbing, but was still able to get in a good workout. My hand continues to improve, but when the storms roll through this area, both hands (fixed and not fixed) ache about the same, in the same places.
I hope all goes well for you, and you can resume your golfing.

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Thanks Greg. Who did your surgery at UCSF ?


Dr. Igor Immerman. I believe he is an Associate Professor at the University.


I am now 2 weeks post op from my second surgery. Surgery entailed removing a large spur and releasing the FCR tendon . Before surgery I was suffering with pain anytime using a pinch motion . Had my 2 week follow up today to remove the splint and …….. finally ! No pain . Start hand therapy soon to work on strength and range of motion . Been a long road but think I am finally there .


I am now 2 weeks post op from my second surgery. Surgery entailed removing a large spur and releasing the FCR tendon . Before surgery I was suffering with pain anytime using a pinch motion . Had my 2 week follow up today to remove the splint and …….. finally ! No pain . Start hand therapy soon to work on strength and range of motion . Been a long road but think I am finally there .

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What a great positive report. Pain relief comes at the top of the list. Now comes that hard work of healing and strengthening, don't get discouraged if it takes some time. Please keep us posted on your progress as you go forward.
PS Don't forget to ice before & after therapy, or any time your hand swells as it heals!


Gregv here, if I may contribute my 2 cents. I am 12 weeks post op Stablyx on my left hand, and am glad I did this. Most of the swelling is down, a little around the palm side, most dexterity is back, pain level (when I bend it just wrong) is about 3, and I have about 80% of my pinch strength. My hand continues to improve, a little each day. My surgery (done at UCSF) also involved cutting part of the fcr tendon because it apparently gets in the way of the implant. I have not had any loss of mobility because of that. I continue to follow my PT's recommended exercises every day, which have backed off a bit, and at this point there is little that I cannot do. My right hand is getting to be as bad as my left was before surgery, and currently my Stablyx hand is in better shape than my right. I climb at a rock gym for fun and exercise, and I am back to doing that, as well as building a tiny house with my daughter.
I appreciate that the Stablyx procedure does not have really high reviews, but to me it was definitely worth the risk. I wanted the best option to get full use of my thumbs back.
Mayo clinic conducted a clinical trial a couple years ago, but for some reason they will not publish their findings. Second opinions, searching out more experienced surgeons, unfortunately likely involves extensive travel. I am in central Oregon, and the closest surgeon for this procedure was in San Fransisco.
It is not successful for everyone as can be seen in some of the previous entries, but I will likely have my right hand done when the time comes.
Take care, and good luck.

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Thanks for your helpful information Greg. I'm in Southern Oregon and wondered if you could share the Clinic Name and/or Surgeon as Im VERY interested in this Stablyx for both CMC joints. Thank you, Sandy.

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