chronic stomach pains for 5 years

Posted by margaret ann @margaretann, Sep 19, 2011

my 75 year old mother has been having severe stomach pains for the past 5 years. She stays home in p. j.s all day cant eat and cant seem to find a dr. to help her. she has had several test ran and her family dr.said the test shows she has diverticolosis ordiverticulitis but im not sure if he was just explaining to her what it is or if thats what she has.she has gotten a couple of medications but her insurance refused to pay even with 2 drs. request and they cost way more than her 800 dollar a month ss check can pay for.she seems to be getting worse and really needs to find some help fast. shes been to so many e.r.s and they dont know anything. can someone please help or give a suggestion?

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celiac disease been ruled out??


Did she have a test like a contrast CT? I had chronic lower right pain for a few years. Went to doctors and was diagnosed with diverticulitis and IBS. The pain could be excruciating. Last October I was very bad went to ER had a contrast CT. They found that I had ruptured my sigmoid colon from infection and I needed surgery. I believe that I had many low-grade infections that went undiagnosed until the rupture. I feel very sad for your mother.

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