Chronic foot injury (interosseous strain and stress fractures)

Posted by laurabond79 @laurabond79, Aug 11, 2021

Hi all,

Over two years ago after I had run a marathon, I was diagnosed with an interosseous strain in my foot. I didn't think much of it - wore the boot, rested, etc but I never got better. I've been in a boot on and off, had long periods of PT where I focused on strengthening, received custom orthotics, etc. and my injury keeps getting worse. I now have stress fractures in both of my feet as well and it's becoming almost impossible to walk even around the house. I've tried extended rest in boots/on crutches and also really dedicated myself to PT and everything in between, and no luck. I am 30, female, and otherwise very healthy and in shape. Arthritis has been ruled out, steroid shots have not helped, Prolotherapy has not helped, dry needling has not helped, high level NSAIDs have not helped... PRP is so expensive and I'm a doctoral student.

Has anyone else dealt with a similar chronic musculoskeletal injury and have you ever figured out how to improve? My next steps are to ask about prolozone, maybe try extracorporeal shock wave treatment, MLS laser therapy, bite the bullet and do PRP, enter a rehab program at just all feels like a shot in the dark, and in the meantime, even daily living is becoming really stressful and I just want my life back.

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I had 4th and 5th metatarsal breaks on one foot. The 5th had healed even though there still is some pain. The 4th is not healing. I’m using a bone stimulator and hopefully it will help. My doctor said I can wear the HOKA shoe with the carbon plate for stability.
Any suggestions? I’m traveling soon and worry about walking.

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