Chronic fever spikes daily

Posted by pennygip @pennygip, Jun 1, 2024

Last year starting in February I started getting fever daily lasted until October. Up to 102.1 I was tested for many, many things even had MRI and Cat-scan everything can up negative. Was referred to a disease specialist but the appointment was not until February but by October it went away so I canceled the appointment. Well its back again since Mother’s Day. Anyone else go through this?

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@pennygip, you were asking elsewhere about Mayo Clinic's symptom checker. Here is the link:
Symptom Checker

Are you able to reschedule your appointment?


@pennygip, you were asking elsewhere about Mayo Clinic's symptom checker. Here is the link:
Symptom Checker

Are you able to reschedule your appointment?

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I am sure I will be able to but its almost like what is the point? What will she check me for that I haven't already been checked for? I have no symptoms of anything at all just getting a daily spike in temp. Strange. I keep thinking the Covid shots did something to me as I have always been a very healthy person with no issues at all.


@pennygip, you were asking elsewhere about Mayo Clinic's symptom checker. Here is the link:
Symptom Checker

Are you able to reschedule your appointment?

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When I go to the symptom checker site there is nothing about fever except in a child.


My mom recently started having spiking fevers up to 102.5. She's currently in the hospital undergoing all kinds of tests. They did a cat scan, pet scan, endoscopy, biopsy under her arm, she has EBV and suspect she has lymphoma. She's also getting confused, shaking, chilled and sweats all in the same day. It makes no sense but, EBV and is something we all have but it lays dormant and was ignited by either covid or the vaccine.


My mom recently started having spiking fevers up to 102.5. She's currently in the hospital undergoing all kinds of tests. They did a cat scan, pet scan, endoscopy, biopsy under her arm, she has EBV and suspect she has lymphoma. She's also getting confused, shaking, chilled and sweats all in the same day. It makes no sense but, EBV and is something we all have but it lays dormant and was ignited by either covid or the vaccine.

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Hi @mommacmc, I’m so sorry to read that your mom isn’t well. It can be very concerning when there’s unexplained, lingering fevers along with her other symptoms of confusion, chills and shaking. It sounds like she’s having quite a few tests run to find the cause.

Your mom was also tested for Epstein Barr Virus. As you mentioned, EBV is one of those viruses that most of us acquire then it can lie dormant until our immune system is weakened. At that point, it can reemerge and become active. Lymphoma can be one of those conditions because it is a cancer of the lymphatic system. So it will be important to see what the biopsy of the lymph node shows. The Covid virus seems to be another of those viruses that can leave lingering effects. Finding a diagnosis for your mom may take a little sleuthing.

Have any of your mom’s test results been returned yet? Have her doctors ruled out a UTI?


Hi @mommacmc, I’m so sorry to read that your mom isn’t well. It can be very concerning when there’s unexplained, lingering fevers along with her other symptoms of confusion, chills and shaking. It sounds like she’s having quite a few tests run to find the cause.

Your mom was also tested for Epstein Barr Virus. As you mentioned, EBV is one of those viruses that most of us acquire then it can lie dormant until our immune system is weakened. At that point, it can reemerge and become active. Lymphoma can be one of those conditions because it is a cancer of the lymphatic system. So it will be important to see what the biopsy of the lymph node shows. The Covid virus seems to be another of those viruses that can leave lingering effects. Finding a diagnosis for your mom may take a little sleuthing.

Have any of your mom’s test results been returned yet? Have her doctors ruled out a UTI?

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Hello, yes they have tested her for a UTI more than once. Her doctor tested her negative several times, when she went into the hospital they tested her for many strains that came back positive, they've since resolved those with strong antibiotics. However, my mother is still experiencing the same symptoms. They suspect the lymphoma and plan to biopsy on Monday to determine the type. My mother had pelvic floor surgery in March and has been very sick ever since. They think the surgery caused the lymphoma to be inflamed.


Hello, yes they have tested her for a UTI more than once. Her doctor tested her negative several times, when she went into the hospital they tested her for many strains that came back positive, they've since resolved those with strong antibiotics. However, my mother is still experiencing the same symptoms. They suspect the lymphoma and plan to biopsy on Monday to determine the type. My mother had pelvic floor surgery in March and has been very sick ever since. They think the surgery caused the lymphoma to be inflamed.

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Aw, your poor mum. She’s been through a lot the past few months. I hope her doctors can find the underlying cause of her ongoing symptoms. It does sound like she has a good medical team looking out for her. I wish her well with the biopsy Monday with only good news. Will you let me know what you find out, please?


You do need to see an Infectious Disease Dr. I have had that happen to me many times. Mostly in early evening my fever would start to go up. Would feel good all day and then up it would go up at night. I do have lung disease and come to find out it would be a bacteria in my lungs that would trigger all of this. I have learned when this happens , start my spectrum samples to the dr. They usually find a bacteria. Listen to your body. A fever is not normal when you are not sick. Hope that you can find the right Dr to figure this out. Isn't it always the way . . . you go to the Dr and they say everything is fine and you go home and get sick that night! It is truly a mystery and they call it practicing medicine for a reason.


You do need to see an Infectious Disease Dr. I have had that happen to me many times. Mostly in early evening my fever would start to go up. Would feel good all day and then up it would go up at night. I do have lung disease and come to find out it would be a bacteria in my lungs that would trigger all of this. I have learned when this happens , start my spectrum samples to the dr. They usually find a bacteria. Listen to your body. A fever is not normal when you are not sick. Hope that you can find the right Dr to figure this out. Isn't it always the way . . . you go to the Dr and they say everything is fine and you go home and get sick that night! It is truly a mystery and they call it practicing medicine for a reason.

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May I ask what kind of bacteria did they find in your lungs?


I have had many over the years. Somehow I contracted Pseudomonas in 2012. I didn't look sick even though I knew something was wrong. I was born with asthma and all the Dr's kept telling me it was a problem with my asthma but I knew that it was not. I finally was referred to an Infectious Disease Dr by a Pulomonologist. Infectious Dr listened to me answer questions and tell him what I felt in my chest and he just knew what it was. He did spetum cultures and he was correct. But by the time it was diagnosed , a year later, my lungs were almost shot. All of my silica are either deformed or destroyed inside my lungs. I can no longer move mucus through my lungs therefore it sits there and becomes a magnet for bacteria. I pick up bacteria from dirt, water, or dust. So pretty much the entire environment is a problem. In addition I have Bronchitcitasis which causes the small breathing tubes inside the lungs to scar and become enlarged because of so many past infections. As you can see it is so important to catch medical issues early. I have had MAC, MAI, Burkholderia, Stenotrophomonas, and many more. They are all serious and hard to treat. Good luck in finding what is causing the fever. All of these bacteria do that to me and signals me to start getting spectrum samples to the DR. It takes time for the lab to grow them out and decide what drug will treat it. Of course, your problem could be totally different but still needs to be figured out. Wishing you luck in finding a good and knowledgable dr to help you.

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