Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Temporary Paralysis?
Still trying to figure out what is wrong with Momma. I found chronic fatigue syndrome and alot of her symptoms are matching that.
Although, i cant find anywhere where temporary paralysis is a symptom. She will be talking and then all of a sudden start slurring her speech and gets severely tired. When she goes into an episode she can"t open her eyes or respond. Her breathing is always ok and its a recurrent happening 2-3 times a day. She loses complete movement from her neck down..for anywhere from an hour to sometimes days.
I can't figure it out. 🙁
Just want my Momma back.
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Hi, @amber3212 - I can understand you'd want to comprehend what is going on with you mom and figure out her symptoms, and get your momma back, as you mentioned. As you thought that a lot of her symptoms appear to match chronic fatigue syndrome - except the temporary paralysis - I'd like to invite @kellye5 and @plshelpmyfatigue @sita @elik @oregongirl @canadagal @jmmb into this conversation, as they may have some input for you.
I believe you mentioned a bit back that she was seeing a neurologist. What does he or she say about these temporary paralysis episodes?
@amber3212 I will attach a link for great articles on new research on CFS. There is so much out there and I get lost in these articles. One always leads to another and so on. It is from Health Rising. I would recommend reading some of the ones that interest you. There is also one that is a series webinars on diagnostic info and such. Here is the link :
This is an excellent one, but I haven't had a chance to really go through it. : It is the Bateman Horne Center
Hope this helps and I hope the links work...
Hi amber3212 @amber3212
You stated (I found chronic fatigue syndrome and a lot of her symptoms are matching that. Although, I cant find anywhere where temporary paralysis is a symptom). My question would be related or not in a way or another, but may lead to what you are looking for if not please just ignore question is addiction of any kind of drugs was mentioned in the past medical history record of your mother? The conception of the addictive patient is the obesticle
of becoming able to cope with life and deterioration in life circumstances. the progress of that can be ended with more complicated physical, emotion and mental damages. I hope it helps but is not absolutely meaning of that.
Wish she getting well, and find what you are looking for!
Chronic fatigue and temporary paralysis sounds really like a muscle disease called primary periodic paralysis. There are unfortunately only a few neuromuscular specialists who are very interested in this disease. You can find a lot of information on and www, There is a lady called Jaya Trivedi in Dallas, TX who has excellent knowledge about it. Although Mayo has got an excellent reputation in general, I have not heard any great experiences of other patients with primary periodic paralysis.
There are multiple Facebook groups out there about this condition too,
Hello, @amber3212 - wanted to check in and see how things are going with your mom?