chronic fatigue

Posted by cabrighten @cabrighten, Jul 25, 2023

I had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue years ago. My ANA results were normal. After a recent move my occasional feeling weak became a daily disability. My heart checks out fine as do most of my bloods. I have prediabetes. I wake up tired even though I've have 12 hours sleep. If I do a 2 hour event like just sitting at an outdoor concert, I'm so exhausted I'll be in bed all the next day. I can't take walks over 4 blocks (round trip) without being exhausted. I ?

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@cabrighten I, too have fatigue but nothing like yours. How have you managed this all these years? And you recently moved. A new city? Or same city and new house? Either way, it is exhausting! Have you found a new doctor yet? Someone who can help treat the fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue? I included a link on controlling fatigue. See if it helps
While we wait for members to respond to your discussion, you may like to read this article. And have you read this article? It’s how one woman dealt with fatigue.
Please continue to touch base with me!


I lay down when I'm tired. Keep non-toxic friends especially ones who may not understand the illness but understand I'm struggling. I have one who drives me to out door music concerts since I'm often too tired to drive. If I have a doctor unfamiliar with fibromyalgia, I buy and give them a wonderful book: Fibromyalgia and Myofascial disease. It's seems I'm also hypoglycemic so I monitor my eating.
Thank you for the aricles.

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