Chronic chest pain!

Posted by manojuan619 @manojuan619, Aug 5, 2023

Chronic chest pain for 8 months. Been told for 8 months it’s muscular pain in chest but it’s terrible to live with? Not sure what else to do if I’m just being told “hang in there”

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One of my children had chest pain as a teen dr said costochondritis which he said can become chronic. Had cardiac workup which was good. However I told pediatrician it was not good interfering with everyday life. He ordered an mri of the spine and we got the phone call: my child had a syrinx which is basically a balloon filled sac of fluid in spinal cord and was diagnosed with syringomyelia! In their case nerve damage and has to be monitored with with mris. There is no cure and can be very debilitating without management. Causes variety of symptoms besides chest pain though. Keep pressing on for answers


I am so sorry you are battling this. I have had chronic chest pain since Covid last year with Reflux (GERD) worsening, asthma worsening (asthma & reflux can go hand in hand) and joint issues. The only way I do not have chest pain is when I am on higher doses of Protonix 40 mg (prescription for reflux) and 1 extra strength pepcid ac at night AND using my proair inhaler every 4 hours for asthma. I am recently coming off steroids for asthmatic bronchitis & pneumonia and the steroids helped greatly with the chest pain from asthma/pneumonia. I never had all of this until COVID. I was recently diagnosed with long Covid. I am awaiting a 2 month out appointment to see a pulmonologist and picking up a nebulizer hopefully tomorrow. I will say this, FOR ME, this has been the hardest summer breathing wise with the higher humidity....that causes chest pain for me. I am praying you get answers and relief. I empathize.

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