Chromosomes positive

Posted by wlpm217 @wlpm217, May 24 9:49am

Does anyone what is the meaning of positive in thề chromosomes? Thank you

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Has your dr reviewed the results with you? I have found my interpretation of these reports is not so good. They are part of a larger picture. I know a moderator on this site will reply with more information.
I just wanted to reply, as i got a Bone marrow biopsy report and I have no idea what it means to my overall health after my transplant. I do have a doctor's visit today, so I will ask.
Make a call if no appointment has been made with your medial team. Best wishes for a calm day.


Has your dr reviewed the results with you? I have found my interpretation of these reports is not so good. They are part of a larger picture. I know a moderator on this site will reply with more information.
I just wanted to reply, as i got a Bone marrow biopsy report and I have no idea what it means to my overall health after my transplant. I do have a doctor's visit today, so I will ask.
Make a call if no appointment has been made with your medial team. Best wishes for a calm day.

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My doctor said that I am under monitoring for 3 months , I will go back to him on August for retesting of cbc. No treatment so far


wlpm217- Stay calm and do life as you know. Not all results require a quick response. They go through the professionals who read them. I am glad it is August. Enjoy the June and July months of summer.
I found out my report was what i knew 3 days ago. My transplant looks to be working. We can always look forward to some good news.


I worked for 40 + years in Cytogenetics. In our field chromosomes are listed as “normal” or “abnormal. Over the years of data gathering they have been able to link most of these abnormalities to the specific blood disorder. They were also able to connect what treatment works best given the abnormality found. Many focused treatments have put persons in remission. Repeat bone marrows have shown that the abnormality has died off and only normal cells present. Blood cancers are complex in that a particular disease can be broken down into sub categories based on the chromosome abnormality and recommended treatment. Your abnormality is on the long are of chromosome 13. This is only in your blood cells not in your body. I wish you well and that they get the right treatment the first time.
I am on this sight because I have Myelofribosis with normal chromosome.

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