Chest Pain (GERD or a heart issue)

Posted by shawnsunil @shawnsunil, Sep 6, 2023

Please can anyone tell me about my condition? Been having chest pains regularly for the past 7 months, went to the doctor 5 times and I have taken the ECG 5 times. All of the results came back normal. Been battling with stress and anxiety for a long time. Currently been having chest pain thats radiating down my left arm and it feels like pressure on my chest (on the left side) with sour taste in mouth, throat pain and constipation. Been freaking out over it. Would love to get someone's help on this situation.

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It might be GERD. You should see a gastroenterologist, but if they suggest to take a PPI, ask to first try rather an H2 Blocker. Meanwhile, you can try to take Gaviscon when you feel the pain and see if it relieves it. You can also try TUMS, but Gaviscon is better. Do deep breathing and stretching and relaxation exercises. Drink and drink - water - for the constipation. Don't drink seltzer/soda (the bloating causes heartburn). Look up other ways to help with diet - chew your food very well and don't eat in a rush, don't slouch. Not digesting the food properly, or eating hard to digest foods can cause heartburn. I've found that popcorn, persimmons, peanuts, sometimes cabbage, give heartburn, especially if you're not able to completely chew properly. Good luck


It might be GERD. You should see a gastroenterologist, but if they suggest to take a PPI, ask to first try rather an H2 Blocker. Meanwhile, you can try to take Gaviscon when you feel the pain and see if it relieves it. You can also try TUMS, but Gaviscon is better. Do deep breathing and stretching and relaxation exercises. Drink and drink - water - for the constipation. Don't drink seltzer/soda (the bloating causes heartburn). Look up other ways to help with diet - chew your food very well and don't eat in a rush, don't slouch. Not digesting the food properly, or eating hard to digest foods can cause heartburn. I've found that popcorn, persimmons, peanuts, sometimes cabbage, give heartburn, especially if you're not able to completely chew properly. Good luck

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Thanks for the response and this morning I woke up with a really bad arm pain on my left arm. I did lift some weights yesterday but with the onset of my chest pain too its causing me to think otherwise. Don't really know what's going on.


I had bad pain coming down my left arm when I had a herniated disk in my neck. I thought I was having a heart attack. You might have one seeing how you lift weights.


I had the same thing turned out to be ulcers and stage C esophagitis. Get an endoscopy!


Went thru months of heart tests due to chest pain,...all were good...had to figure out on my own to see gi dr...he did 1 test...barium xray and found my problem. My esophagus was too narrow so he dilated it and no more chest pain...My symptoms even fooled a heart dr so digestive issues can mimic heart problems


I had been having the same exact problem as well. 2 years ago I started having trouble swallowing and chest pains that wouldn’t go away had them at night , would actually wake me up with chest pains and trouble swallowing started after the chest pains so went to my PCP was sent to ENT for a swallow study test but it was normal so with me having the chest pains my ENT sent me to a Cardiologist had a Echo Stress Test done and found out that I do have a condition called Mild Mitral Valve Regurgitation but my cardiologist said that wouldn’t be causing all my chest pains so after I started having nausea , shortness of breath and a bad taste in my mouth they sent me to another specialist this time GI so of course they did an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy said I had a spastic colon and internal and external hemorrhoids so that was causing my constipation issues but not the chest pain or the nausea or vomiting trouble swallowing so they sent me to another specialist this time to a motility specialist which was a breath of fresh air because they actually listened to me and I wasn’t crazy or had horrible anxiety pain! It was real what I had but extremely rare! First they had to do 2 very uncomfortable tests to confirm the diagnosis of Jack Hammer Esophagus and Laranopharangeal Reflux Disease not 1 but 2 disorders. The first test was to measure my PH in my stomach and acid reflux by doing this they insert a tube up your nose and then it comes back up your throat and it has a light on the end of it. The tube is connected to a monitor that you wear for 24 hours and you had to press certain buttons if you had to belch , nausea, vomit and you had to try to sleep with this thing in the back of your throat! But when I got up the next morning it was time to take the monitor to the doctor that did the test and have the tube removed. It showed that my ph balance was very low which meant that there was a very high amount of acid in my lower stomach but they still didn’t know what was causing all my other symptoms so they did another test where this time they inserted much larger tubing up my nostrils and all the way down to the very bottom of my stomach and then had me drink from a cup taking like quick sips at a time so when I attempted to do that I started gagging to the point I vomited really bad along with the chest pains too! This particular test is called the High Resonance Manometry test which every time I swallow it was taking pictures of my entire esophagus and it measured how fast my pressures were when I would swallow or eat or drink anything and at first the tech was silent and was just looking puzzled then she said here’s your problem right here! I said good what is it and can you fix it? He said I’m about 99.9 percent sure you have a rare disorder called Jack Hammer Esophagus and I said ok now we know what’s been happening for 2 years we finally have a name for but how can it be fixed? He said surgery and that following week I was being prepped for surgery but I had 2 types of surgery to correct both disorders a Nissen Dysplundification and a Myoectomy the Nissen was performed for my really bad acid reflux disease or GERD as they call it and the other the Myoectomy was for my lower esophagus because mine was not working at all causing the choking and nausea and vomiting and chest pains! So I was in the hospital for about 10 days because you have to be on an all liquid diet for 3 -4 weeks after surgery then slowly introduce soft mechanical foods for 3-4 weeks then finally solids again! It was a long hard process and I lost like 40lbs as well but it took care of all my symptoms! Maybe you need to see a motility specialist if I hadn’t I don’t know if I would be here now! It mimics a heart attack so that in itself is scary! Good luck!


I had been having the same exact problem as well. 2 years ago I started having trouble swallowing and chest pains that wouldn’t go away had them at night , would actually wake me up with chest pains and trouble swallowing started after the chest pains so went to my PCP was sent to ENT for a swallow study test but it was normal so with me having the chest pains my ENT sent me to a Cardiologist had a Echo Stress Test done and found out that I do have a condition called Mild Mitral Valve Regurgitation but my cardiologist said that wouldn’t be causing all my chest pains so after I started having nausea , shortness of breath and a bad taste in my mouth they sent me to another specialist this time GI so of course they did an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy said I had a spastic colon and internal and external hemorrhoids so that was causing my constipation issues but not the chest pain or the nausea or vomiting trouble swallowing so they sent me to another specialist this time to a motility specialist which was a breath of fresh air because they actually listened to me and I wasn’t crazy or had horrible anxiety pain! It was real what I had but extremely rare! First they had to do 2 very uncomfortable tests to confirm the diagnosis of Jack Hammer Esophagus and Laranopharangeal Reflux Disease not 1 but 2 disorders. The first test was to measure my PH in my stomach and acid reflux by doing this they insert a tube up your nose and then it comes back up your throat and it has a light on the end of it. The tube is connected to a monitor that you wear for 24 hours and you had to press certain buttons if you had to belch , nausea, vomit and you had to try to sleep with this thing in the back of your throat! But when I got up the next morning it was time to take the monitor to the doctor that did the test and have the tube removed. It showed that my ph balance was very low which meant that there was a very high amount of acid in my lower stomach but they still didn’t know what was causing all my other symptoms so they did another test where this time they inserted much larger tubing up my nostrils and all the way down to the very bottom of my stomach and then had me drink from a cup taking like quick sips at a time so when I attempted to do that I started gagging to the point I vomited really bad along with the chest pains too! This particular test is called the High Resonance Manometry test which every time I swallow it was taking pictures of my entire esophagus and it measured how fast my pressures were when I would swallow or eat or drink anything and at first the tech was silent and was just looking puzzled then she said here’s your problem right here! I said good what is it and can you fix it? He said I’m about 99.9 percent sure you have a rare disorder called Jack Hammer Esophagus and I said ok now we know what’s been happening for 2 years we finally have a name for but how can it be fixed? He said surgery and that following week I was being prepped for surgery but I had 2 types of surgery to correct both disorders a Nissen Dysplundification and a Myoectomy the Nissen was performed for my really bad acid reflux disease or GERD as they call it and the other the Myoectomy was for my lower esophagus because mine was not working at all causing the choking and nausea and vomiting and chest pains! So I was in the hospital for about 10 days because you have to be on an all liquid diet for 3 -4 weeks after surgery then slowly introduce soft mechanical foods for 3-4 weeks then finally solids again! It was a long hard process and I lost like 40lbs as well but it took care of all my symptoms! Maybe you need to see a motility specialist if I hadn’t I don’t know if I would be here now! It mimics a heart attack so that in itself is scary! Good luck!

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Yes they recommended I have the muscles cut in lower esophagus and a partial fundoplication


Yes they recommended I have the muscles cut in lower esophagus and a partial fundoplication

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Are you going to have it done? It’s a 2 part surgery that you have to prepare for physically and mentally as well. The liquid diet is the worst but if you can make it through that then your GI health will improve so much more! No acid reflux or sour stomach, nausea or vomiting because with the Nissen procedure you can’t vomit which is awesome but if can’t come it comes out the other way in diarrhea but you said you have constipation issues like me so this may help you in the long run! I have IBS-CC Chronic Constipation but my colon and intestines are very narrow they said which causes the chronic constipation and the hemorrhoids but since I was diagnosed back in 2008 with this condition they put me on my miracle medication called Amitiza it has changed my life in so many ways before this medication I would go 1-2 weeks without a BM and constant abdominal pain! I would frequently show up at the ER and be told you’re completely impacted but nothing would help no laxatives would touch it! Miralax was a joke it turns to a gel like substance in your colon that’s why they say drink lots of water with it but water would make me sick even more! I was on Senacott Mylanta, Philips Milk of Magnesium Exlax,Correctol, Sorbitol, Lactulose , suppositories, Polyglycol Metamucil, Fiber Pills, Swiss Criss, Stool Softeners nothing helped so when I went to a really good GI doctor for help she suggested that I just try the sample of the Amitiza and I was amazed at how well and fast it worked for me! Now all I do is take one 8mg capsule around 8am and it works by 11:00am or noon! This has become my daily routine since 2008 and I’m here to say that this works! No side effects no cramps it completely cleans you out! I got my dad on it because he has had chronic constipation all his life like me, and now he’s regular enjoying his life again! I take the generic for the Amitiza called Lubiprostone I’m not sure exactly what is in this medication but it saved my life because I was facing the possibility of having a Colostomy bag put in place because of my severe constipation! I was told by my GI specialist that this helps with the mechanics of my colon and it’s NOT a laxative and it will not damage my colon! I could be their spokesperson for real!😂😂 Let me know what you decide to do! Best of luck to you!😀


Sounds like you're esophagus


Are you going to have it done? It’s a 2 part surgery that you have to prepare for physically and mentally as well. The liquid diet is the worst but if you can make it through that then your GI health will improve so much more! No acid reflux or sour stomach, nausea or vomiting because with the Nissen procedure you can’t vomit which is awesome but if can’t come it comes out the other way in diarrhea but you said you have constipation issues like me so this may help you in the long run! I have IBS-CC Chronic Constipation but my colon and intestines are very narrow they said which causes the chronic constipation and the hemorrhoids but since I was diagnosed back in 2008 with this condition they put me on my miracle medication called Amitiza it has changed my life in so many ways before this medication I would go 1-2 weeks without a BM and constant abdominal pain! I would frequently show up at the ER and be told you’re completely impacted but nothing would help no laxatives would touch it! Miralax was a joke it turns to a gel like substance in your colon that’s why they say drink lots of water with it but water would make me sick even more! I was on Senacott Mylanta, Philips Milk of Magnesium Exlax,Correctol, Sorbitol, Lactulose , suppositories, Polyglycol Metamucil, Fiber Pills, Swiss Criss, Stool Softeners nothing helped so when I went to a really good GI doctor for help she suggested that I just try the sample of the Amitiza and I was amazed at how well and fast it worked for me! Now all I do is take one 8mg capsule around 8am and it works by 11:00am or noon! This has become my daily routine since 2008 and I’m here to say that this works! No side effects no cramps it completely cleans you out! I got my dad on it because he has had chronic constipation all his life like me, and now he’s regular enjoying his life again! I take the generic for the Amitiza called Lubiprostone I’m not sure exactly what is in this medication but it saved my life because I was facing the possibility of having a Colostomy bag put in place because of my severe constipation! I was told by my GI specialist that this helps with the mechanics of my colon and it’s NOT a laxative and it will not damage my colon! I could be their spokesperson for real!😂😂 Let me know what you decide to do! Best of luck to you!😀

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Thank you. I will discuss lubiprostone as a med. when I see my doctor. Linzess 290 just caused pain, bloat, gerd. I need help ASAP. I too was diagnosed with IBS with constipatzion.. Spent two weeks in the hospital on I.V. antibiotics, plus morphine, only to return home and have the same problems again. I need to get my life back on track.

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