Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?

Posted by taxlady @taxlady, Jan 31, 2023

I finished chemo April of 2022
I have neuropathy in my fingers and feet. It doesn’t seem to be going away. What are treatments I can do to help get rid of it.

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I also have neuropathy from chemo. I believe from the original flavors of taxol, Adriamycin, Cytoxin. Then further irritated by the host of medications to follow. My solution to the ever increasing problem of how do I get to sleep with my feet on fire is the very opposite of @drcvs , I put my feet on an ice pack every night when I lay down with my book, when my feet are very cold, I go to sleep. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it works for me. Otherwise I lay there half of the night feeling like my feet should come with a fire warning label. 🙄I know they cannot repair the nerves, but this allows me to sleep and prepare for another full day of life.
So now we have hot water, and ice pack, any other tips out there?


I had chemo/radiation 15 years ago, neuropathy improved first in my hands but took a long time (2-4 years?) and are perfectly fine now The numbness and stiffness in toes did not, some days were worse than others. A few months ago, I started bathtub exercises where I stretch my toes out, each toe for a count of five. Every night in hot bathtub (that also helps me sleep). I’m shocked how flexible my feet have become and most days my feeling is back in my toes. I hike 12-14 hilly miles a week and horseback ride regularly. Now I’m calling it bathtub yoga and have extended the exercises. I swear I’ll have abs at age 62! Don’t worry, your hands will come back! Keep golfing! Type, write, garden. Use those hands as if nothing is wrong! And golf your heart out!!


I wore the frozen gloves and socks during my taxol to help with neuropathy-
My left two fingers were affected and I would like to know a treatment.
I love to golf, and I am not sure if this is my “new normal” or it will repair in time.
It has been about a year since it started.

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I had taxol/carboplatin and wore the frozen gloves, slippers and hat. My hands are fine, my toes are somewhat numb (some days more than others), I lost most of my hair, but not all. I get regular massages and have her work on my toes, but really don’t think it helps much. I think it is my new normal.


I wore the frozen gloves and socks during my taxol to help with neuropathy-
My left two fingers were affected and I would like to know a treatment.
I love to golf, and I am not sure if this is my “new normal” or it will repair in time.
It has been about a year since it started.

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