Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?

Posted by taxlady @taxlady, Jan 31, 2023

I finished chemo April of 2022
I have neuropathy in my fingers and feet. It doesn’t seem to be going away. What are treatments I can do to help get rid of it.

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The Neuropathy in my feet started about 4 months after my treatments ended. My palliative care doctors put me on 60mg of cymbalta. I was already on 1800 mg of Gabapentin. I was told to massage my feet daily with Cocoa butter. At first I did not think any of that was working. One night I accidentally missed taking my Cymbalta. My neuropathy was much worse. I'm careful to take all my meds. I have a friend whose neurologist told her to use low dose naltrexone (1dn) for her neuropathy pain. It has to be made at a compounding pharmacy. She finds relief from that especially at bedtime.
I hope your doctors can help you. I asked to be cared for by a palliative care doctor. They deal with the side effects. The oncologists are focused on the cancer. Please check with your doctor about these treatments and getting a palliative care doctor. Praying for some relief for you. Vickie


Finished chemotherapy treatment for colon cancer on February 14,2023
Developed neuropathy in fingers and toes that has gotten worse since last
Treatment.both are numb and feels cold . My other side effect is taste,have a
great appitite,but does not enjoy food because of taste.

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Here is my chemo story

Let me know what you think


I am happy to be following you all with some similar stories of neuropathy trials and tribulations!
I was diagnosed with Pancreatic Ca July of 2021. I had twelve rounds of chemo (4 drugs) including oxaliplatin and 5-FU.
I also had 15 rounds of proton radiation along with oral chemo and lastly the Whipple procedure in May 2022.
I began to experience neuropathy symptoms probably after my 8th round. Doses were reduced but the neuropathy only got worse. It got substantially worse after my surgery, slightly better over last summer but increased in intensity after an emergency appendectomy in Dec of 22.
I have numbness, pins needles and stiffness in my feet and ankles, sometimes into my calves to the knee. Also I’m my fingers. I have tried gabapentin which really didn’t work and am now on Cymbalta which is not working. I was told that if after a year if you don’t see improvement it probably will never go away. Does anyone have experience with CIPN if so have you seen improvement after so much time? Thank you for anything that you can share.


Finished chemotherapy treatment for colon cancer on February 14,2023
Developed neuropathy in fingers and toes that has gotten worse since last
Treatment.both are numb and feels cold . My other side effect is taste,have a
great appitite,but does not enjoy food because of taste.


Be sure to talk to your oncologist about Curcumin. My oncologist doesn’t want me using it right now because of negative interaction with temozolomide chemo I’m on.

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Be sure to talk to your oncologist about Curcumin. My oncologist doesn’t want me using it right now because of negative interaction with temozolomide chemo I’m on.

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You might want to look at research being done on this:


You may try acupuncture, and physical therapy, but of course speak with your doctor first.


Be sure to talk to your oncologist about Curcumin. My oncologist doesn’t want me using it right now because of negative interaction with temozolomide chemo I’m on.


I found that cold aggravates the numbness and hypersensitivity in my feet and that using toasty warm Epsom salt foot baths for a half hour in the evening provides an hour or so of relief. Also, I started using toe warmers. They are thin, adhesive backed pads you apply to the outside of your socks. They are air activated (I believe oxygen is the catalyst), and the brand I have are made by Sport Temp. They provide gentle heat for up to ten hours. I put them on about 1:00pm and remove them before turning in for the evening.

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