Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?
I finished chemo April of 2022
I have neuropathy in my fingers and feet. It doesn’t seem to be going away. What are treatments I can do to help get rid of it.
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I too have/had chemo-induced polyneuropathy whcich I have extremely successfully managed and treated through the use of regular weekly acupuncture treatments provided by a licenced, certified, and accredited Doctor of Acupunture. Perhaps you may choose to explore/consider this option.
I don't have the awful sensation you get when stepping on a pebble. It' a good thing because being barefoot helps my balance. I do run outside barefoot.
I live in Michigan. Ask for referrals from people you know in your area. If that doesn’t yield anything, some hospitals have integrative medicine departments that may have a practitioner.
Where in AZ?
Si es una sensación indescriptible.No hay dolor( por lo menos en mí caso) pero tampoco hay dominio de los pies. No sé cuándo presiono y cuando lo hago,supongo estar haciéndolo con fuerza,pero indudablemente no es así,por qué el resultado es casi nulo.No hay sensibilidad,pero a la vez un pinchazo o pisar una pequeñísima piedrita descalza es una tortura.
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That sounds awful. I stopped driving for that very reason. I’m so blessed to have such a large support group to take me to my appointments and such.
The day I finally quit driving I was out on the highway driving 8 miles to my daughter's house. Suddenly, I couldn't feel the brake. I couldn't pull over to the side because I didn't know if I could stop. I went very slowly on and on, with everyone honking at old lady me for being so slow. I was so scared. I finally got to my daughter's house and coasted to a stop on her long driveway. I had someone drive me home in y car later that day and I never tried to drive again
Cuando empecé a ser consciente de mi problema,aunque no sabía el nombre de mi dolencia,me dí cuenta que no dominaría la presión del pie sobre el acelerador ni el pedal de freno .No era visible mi problema para los demás.Inclusive,por mi edad,tenía que comenzar a renovar mi licencia de conducir,cada 5 años,,Me hicieron el control de vista,pero solo preguntas sobre mi estado neurológico.Por supuesto que habia dejado de conducir cuando me dí cuenta que algo había cambiado en mi manejo en el andar .Y repito que soy agradecida por no tener dolor.
Y como dijo algún poeta," vida ,nada me debes ,vida estamos en paz.
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I'm doing fine otherwise. I thought of getting a hand brake but I 'm on a steep, windy road out of my property. Being 83 , I'm hesitant to start anything new like using a hand brake. My son helps me get to most places like shopping and the airport. My health insurance takes me to doctor appointments. Thank you for the nice compliment. I'm a former RN. I guess the old learned memories don't want to quit! If you can still drive, maybe you will continue to be able to do so. My driving ability ended before chemo was done.