Has anyone taken the targeted therapy osimertinib (Tagrisso)?

Posted by nursed2075 @nursed2075, Mar 27, 2020

Has anyone taken Osimertinib before?

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Been taking 80mg Tagrisso every day for 7 months. Stage 1b NSCLC. Tagrisso is a miracle drug. I have been cancer free since my surgery and chemo. I do have side effects from Tagrisso - frequent diarrhea, skin rash (now gone), nail splitting and changes to the texture of my hair. Annoying but manageable.

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Hi franciekid,
I am taking a study drug which is targeted therapy for nsc IV. I also have the diarrhea occasionally, dry skin and some other minor side effects. It’s a small price to pay. Glad to read you are doing well. B W, Diane


Has anyone else had leg and hand cramps while taking targeted therapy for Stage 4 lung cancer?


I'm new to almost all the new
treatments. Pls explain targeted therapy vs chemo. What are mets? If you stop treatment because of being benign. Can it returm elsewhere in your
Body. Sorry 345 am, got to run.


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Hi @scared2. Treatment options can be overwhelming and are evolving quickly. This is why we all need good doctors that can recommend specific treatments for our types of cancer.
Targeted Therapies are oral medications that are specific to certain drivers of lung cancers. The meds edit the mutations for the genes to return them to 'normal', thus stopping the cancer growth. Your husband's doctors should run biomarker tests to determine if you qualify for a targeted therapy. The cancer types that do qualify are things like EGFR, KRAS, ALK, MEK, etc.
Chemo is hitting all the calls in the body in hopes of killing cancer cells. Targeted therapy is 'targeting' the DNA of the cells that are mutating out of control. It's amazing science, but it does not apply to all types of lung cancer.
When people refer to 'mets', they are talking about cancer that has metastasized to another part of the body. IE, my primary cancer and tumor is in my lung, but that cancer metastasized to my liver and lymph nodes. I have/had liver mets.
Try to get some sleep, it's important for the patient and caregiver too. I know that's easier said than done in some cases. Have you received information on what treatment he'll be having?


I'm new to almost all the new
treatments. Pls explain targeted therapy vs chemo. What are mets? If you stop treatment because of being benign. Can it returm elsewhere in your
Body. Sorry 345 am, got to run.



Been taking 80mg Tagrisso every day for 7 months. Stage 1b NSCLC. Tagrisso is a miracle drug. I have been cancer free since my surgery and chemo. I do have side effects from Tagrisso - frequent diarrhea, skin rash (now gone), nail splitting and changes to the texture of my hair. Annoying but manageable.


Yes, I am taking Tag now. I have been taking Tag for 2 and half months and have skin problems, mainly dry and itchy skin. Also fatigue and nausea. I don't know if it's doing any good as I haven't been re X-rayed or scanned yet. Waiting for my Dr. to make appointments.
I take it once a day at 7am sharp. My coughing has subsided considerably but I still have coughing spells, especially if I am lying flat on my back in bed.

Has Tag done you any good as for your cancer?
How has the cost factor affected you?


I have been on Tagrisso for four years and still NED. Just have to deal and keep up w the side effects, particularly the skin issues and fatigue. I take my pill every night at bedtime.


Not sure if this answers your question at all, but I’ve been taking Crizotinib (Xalkori), also a ‘targeted therapy’ for 3 months with remarkable tumor decrease in my stage 4 lungs. Minimal side effects. Best wishes to you on your new journey.

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Conditions now? 02/06/2024??


My wife was diagnosed Sept 2022 with EGFR with exon 19 mutation and has been on tagrisso 80 mg since Sept 2022. Besides splitting nails, dry skin and occasional diarrhea, she is doing ok. The cancer has been reduced in size in her brain and lungs (including tumours) and gone from her lymph’s, liver, femur and lower back spine. She has checkups (blood work, and scans) every quarter. She also experienced blood clots in December after being on Tagrisso for 3 months so now doing daily injections of blood thinning medication. She is taking collagen powder which really helped against dry skin.

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Hi @nicolaidk, I'm glad to hear that your wife seems to be responding to, and tolerating, the Tagrisso. These inhibitor meds are life extending, and we're fortunate to have them available to us. It sounds like the two of you have been through so much in the past 6 months. I'm so glad that she's still with you, give her a big hug! The diagnosis is usually so unexpected, and emotional weight of the diagnosis is a heavy one for you both. Be sure to take care of your own mental health during this time too. The doctors are good at keeping us alive, but we need to work to keep ourselves mentally heathy too.


My wife was diagnosed Sept 2022 with EGFR with exon 19 mutation and has been on tagrisso 80 mg since Sept 2022. Besides splitting nails, dry skin and occasional diarrhea, she is doing ok. The cancer has been reduced in size in her brain and lungs (including tumours) and gone from her lymph’s, liver, femur and lower back spine. She has checkups (blood work, and scans) every quarter. She also experienced blood clots in December after being on Tagrisso for 3 months so now doing daily injections of blood thinning medication. She is taking collagen powder which really helped against dry skin.

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