Chemo or not

Posted by cedar @cedar, Nov 21, 2022

My wife was recently diagnosed with Lobular Carcinoma. She had a partial lumpectomy and had one node removed which came back positive. She is 43 and her Mammaprint came back ultra low risk, but clinical high due to the node. We were really excited when we read the results but just had a meeting with her Oncologist who stated because of her age recommending chemo. I have read in so many places that chemo vs drug therapy are pretty equal in this type of cancer. Can anyone help? Thanks!

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Hi @cedar I would encourage you to ask these questions of your oncologist as well, take the list in and ask. We all have differences in our cancers and the choices we make at original diagnosis can affect our lives far down the road. The younger we are at diagnosis, the more important those choices are. I was in my 30s when I was diagnosed, and I took the full boat of treatments, surgeries, chemo, radiation, and endocrine therapy. It was really hard, but I am at 18 years almost to the day. I am still here to whine about it, and I don’t look back and wonder if I did all I could do.
I would also consider a second opinion if I am not confident in the doctor I have. A conversation never hurt anybody.
Thirdly I would get into this conversation, because lobular cancer is a horse of a different color from ductal carcinoma. These are people who have made these choices and can talk to you about that experience.
Lobular breast cancer, let’s support each other.
How did it go with the oncology appointment?

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Hi Chris,
Thank you for the reply. The appointment went well. We asked and received a second opinion. The opinion came back with the same outcome, they believe due to her age and the positive node she should do the works. So we have accepted that and have her first treatment Dec. 7th and will begin Lutron tomorrow. It will be a tough road for her, but she really wants to be around to become a grandmother at some point in the future. It is an emotional roller coaster, and assume it will continue until we get past this.


Having your support will be the best thing. My husband is what I am most thankful for. He was my rock during my treatments.don’t be afraid to look here support during treatments.💕


I discovered in the first of August that I had breast cancer ( IDC) and They decided to do a mastectomy on the first of October. But until now I have not decided the neoadjuvant therapy because they decided that they should do the Oncotype lately. After the operation, they discovered that it was 2 mm in size, so they told me I have to start the hormone therapy after month from the surgery But when I interviewed the Oncologyest, the plan changed and she told me that the tumor size was 8 mm and not 2 mm because they forgot to calculate the size of the biopsy with the size of the remaining tumor so that the result was 8 mm. And she asked me to do the Oncotype test and the result was you think I need chemotherapy or just Harmon therapy
HER 2NEU negative
The biopsy gave the grade is 1 but the residual tumor gave the grade is 2.
ER 86.99% strong positive
PR 64.99% strong positive
The genetic test is negative


I discovered in the first of August that I had breast cancer ( IDC) and They decided to do a mastectomy on the first of October. But until now I have not decided the neoadjuvant therapy because they decided that they should do the Oncotype lately. After the operation, they discovered that it was 2 mm in size, so they told me I have to start the hormone therapy after month from the surgery But when I interviewed the Oncologyest, the plan changed and she told me that the tumor size was 8 mm and not 2 mm because they forgot to calculate the size of the biopsy with the size of the remaining tumor so that the result was 8 mm. And she asked me to do the Oncotype test and the result was you think I need chemotherapy or just Harmon therapy
HER 2NEU negative
The biopsy gave the grade is 1 but the residual tumor gave the grade is 2.
ER 86.99% strong positive
PR 64.99% strong positive
The genetic test is negative

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Look up the TailorX study.

TAILORx results published in June 2018 found that most women with a Recurrence Score of 11 to 25 also could safely skip chemotherapy. The TAILORx study included 10,273 women diagnosed with hormone-receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer that had not spread to the lymph nodes.
TAILORx Data Suggest Race Can Affect Breast Cancer Outcomes

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