Cardiogastric GI symptoms and hiatal hernia flare

Posted by blueeyedsenior @blueeyedsenior, Nov 1, 2023

Anyone else get palpitations when their stomach is upset or GERD is flaring? I have been on Pepcid and Prilosec and stopped both because they made my anxiety worse. I use chamomile tea and fennel to try to calm things down. It's like whatever I eat takes forever to move through my system. My pcp Rx metaclopramide to help with motility but taking that long term will give you tardive dyskinesia. I use prune juice for the horrid constipation. I talked to my pcp today, he said to stay hydrated, and as long as I'm not dizzy or short of breath (I never am), he suggested relaxation, diazepam and antacids. I'm discouraged, tired and nervous. I want my life back. This is so exhausting. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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Long COVID is attacking my autonomic nervous system. I have horrible GERD and take 60 mg of Dexilant per day. This helps. I also have gastroparesis that causes the awful cycle of food not moving correctly through my system and then it does for a day or longer of worse than normal pain and misery. Then the cycle starts again. Long COVID also leads to high anxiety. I see a GI doctor and a Long COVID clinic. I have SIBO and Gastroparesis which have differing diets and I have issues with food since having COVID. I don't like a lot of food and it can smell horrific. I would recommend seeing a GI specialist.


Long COVID is attacking my autonomic nervous system. I have horrible GERD and take 60 mg of Dexilant per day. This helps. I also have gastroparesis that causes the awful cycle of food not moving correctly through my system and then it does for a day or longer of worse than normal pain and misery. Then the cycle starts again. Long COVID also leads to high anxiety. I see a GI doctor and a Long COVID clinic. I have SIBO and Gastroparesis which have differing diets and I have issues with food since having COVID. I don't like a lot of food and it can smell horrific. I would recommend seeing a GI specialist.

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I know exactly what you mean. I did see a GI, ran tests, did xray and CT. Nothing out of the ordinary was found. He told me, "we can treat your symptoms, and hopefully time will help things get better." I can go a couple weeks feeling fine, but then the constipation, bloating, and gerd returns and it starts all over again. It's crazy. Wishing you well.


I know exactly what you mean. I did see a GI, ran tests, did xray and CT. Nothing out of the ordinary was found. He told me, "we can treat your symptoms, and hopefully time will help things get better." I can go a couple weeks feeling fine, but then the constipation, bloating, and gerd returns and it starts all over again. It's crazy. Wishing you well.

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Unfortunately tests did not show this for me either. I was not correctly diagnosed until I was with the Long COVID Clinic. If it is gastroparesis it will not get better. Good luck!


I know exactly what you mean. I did see a GI, ran tests, did xray and CT. Nothing out of the ordinary was found. He told me, "we can treat your symptoms, and hopefully time will help things get better." I can go a couple weeks feeling fine, but then the constipation, bloating, and gerd returns and it starts all over again. It's crazy. Wishing you well.

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Same for me. It's a cycle of unpleasantness. I feel like I've tried everything. Hope some smart person comes up with a solution for those of us with this issue.


I take (Prescription) Linzess 72mcg for IBS-Constipation and (Prescription) Protonix 20 mg for reflux and it has helped me tremendously. Have you seen a gastro doctor for your issues or just your primary? Sounds like your gut issues are making you anxious and that is very understandable. Praying for you to get some answers soon. Blessings....

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