Posted by sunny1971 @sunny1971, May 8, 2023

Anyone out there? Suffer from canker sores? I’ve had them my whole life since I was young. I’ve tried everything. Everything over the counter, online gels mouthwash, magic this magic that mouthwash from my dentist. Vitamins lysine, nothing seems to work. I am 65 now and I will break out with one or more ,, sometimes , They are so painful when you get them to eat and talk sometimes. Does anyone have any kind of special remedy I might be missing??? share with me thank you.

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Hi Sunny1971!
I used to have quite a few canker sores. What helped me the most was Listerine mouthwash; the original one; not the new flavored ones. I rinsed after each meal. It really worked good. It took away the pain and the canker sores eventually went away. When I didn't have that, I used hot salt water which helped as much. My dentist told me that canker sores were caused by stress. I hope this helps you. Have you tried looking them up on the Mayo Clinic website? They are very helpful with information on everything!
Good luck!


Hi Sunny1971!
I used to have quite a few canker sores. What helped me the most was Listerine mouthwash; the original one; not the new flavored ones. I rinsed after each meal. It really worked good. It took away the pain and the canker sores eventually went away. When I didn't have that, I used hot salt water which helped as much. My dentist told me that canker sores were caused by stress. I hope this helps you. Have you tried looking them up on the Mayo Clinic website? They are very helpful with information on everything!
Good luck!

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Thank you so much for your input. I have tried Listerine. It burns and I have tried the salt water now. It doesn’t do anything. Yes they are caused by stress but it’s also a virus in your immune, i take Acidophilus, yogurt, garlic, everything I could think of and I’ll still get one. My doctor said there was no real cure yet. Thank you for commenting on my post.


Thank you so much for your input. I have tried Listerine. It burns and I have tried the salt water now. It doesn’t do anything. Yes they are caused by stress but it’s also a virus in your immune, i take Acidophilus, yogurt, garlic, everything I could think of and I’ll still get one. My doctor said there was no real cure yet. Thank you for commenting on my post.

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I found triggers for my canker sores (beyond stress.) Specific foods - pineapple, too much dairy, chocolate or sugar, ANY dental work - even just cleaning and a few others.
I have a "big" tool in my arsenal now - when I get a major outbreak, I take Acyclovir, a prescription, for 5 days. My primary prescribed it to keep on hand. It's not a cure, but seems I need it 2-3 times a year, and it calms things down a great deal so I may go weeks before any new sores come.
By the way - this seems to be a family thing - some of my siblings get these too, as well as my daughter.


I found triggers for my canker sores (beyond stress.) Specific foods - pineapple, too much dairy, chocolate or sugar, ANY dental work - even just cleaning and a few others.
I have a "big" tool in my arsenal now - when I get a major outbreak, I take Acyclovir, a prescription, for 5 days. My primary prescribed it to keep on hand. It's not a cure, but seems I need it 2-3 times a year, and it calms things down a great deal so I may go weeks before any new sores come.
By the way - this seems to be a family thing - some of my siblings get these too, as well as my daughter.

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Yes i found it is in my moms genes, My sister and my twin brother do not get them, but my older brother and myself get them. I was going to ask the public about your medicine, Acyclovir, my doc said it only works on cold sores, For outside of the mouth, that is a total separate entity than the inside canker sores I had read about it. Canker sores are not contagious however, cold sores are. Yes diet and stress relief help Immensely. I guess I’m looking for an instant cure when I get one. Thank you so !!much.


What has worked best for me, for immediate relief are Oral Gel medicated swabs for oral/mouth pain.

It provides a nice barrier coating for a bit and numbs the area, providing relief from the inflammation.

They are easy to use when you get a flare up. I have also found that after about 3 days of using them, my canker sores go away.

Obviously there are multiple triggers for canker sores.

But when asking for immediate relief, I have found these to work great!


Go on Amazon and get Canker Cover. Tiny pills that adhere to the sore…. I use these overnight. At first it will burn a little, but then go numb. Turns into a paste by morning.

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