Candida for many years. Need some advice.

Posted by osborn @osborn, 1 day ago

I have had candida for 7 years seeking doctors that could help me. I was told it was acid re-flux and would give me more medicine. I finally had an endoscopy 08/08/2023 and found out I had candida really bad in my esophagus and a little in my stomach. I joined a couple of programs, took their pills and did the no sugar or gluten diet. I lost 35 lbs and have made it up to 81 lbs from 70 lbs. I have taken a lot of fluconazole and the last one was 200 mg.A week later I was much worse. Any advice you could give me would be appreciated.

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When I had yeast mastitis they gave me a month's worth of Diflucan. It worked perfectly.


Have you thought about seeing a holistic provider. He will treat your body as a whole. I start seeing a holistic physician a year ago after an anaphylactic reaction and after that I was all allergic to everything I put in my mouth broke out in hives, severe diarrhea, lost 16 pounds in 2mo. My allergist now just didn’t know what to do with me. My primary care didn’t know what to do to help me. The holistic physician I see all my internal organs were inflamed. I was full of fungus and bacteria in my gut. He told me it would take 2 years to get me turned around and feeling good. It’s been a year and he has helped me immensely, but I still have a ways to go. But I think I’m on the right path.

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