Canadian needs desperate help: What can I do for all over body pain?

Posted by chronicpaincanada @chronicpaincanada, Apr 16, 2022

I've been suffering from all over body pain so bad it's difficult to walk in the mornings and throughout the day also plus ongoing issues with headaches and nightmares and never ending chest infections and so much more.

I'm to the point where the doctors keep sending me everywhere as they don't have answers.

Can I speak to someone at one of your facilities about options.?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.

Good morning @chronicpaincanada Your name alone speaks volumes and I’m so sorry you’re have to deal with this level of pain on a daily basis. I’m sure you’re at your wits end with this.

Here is a link to get you started with an appointment request. This will take you to the main Mayo Clinic website where you select which Mayo Campus would be most preferable for you.
The coordinator who receives your call will take your information and guide you from there.

How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?


As for symptoms approximately 20 year's. I will check the link out and see what location is the closest.


As for symptoms approximately 20 year's. I will check the link out and see what location is the closest.

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Oh my goodness, 20 years of suffering is a very long time. I hope you find some answers soon.

Mayo Clinic also has a Pain Rehabilitation Clinic that is very successful in helping people to cope with their chronic situations. One of my fellow mentors, @rwinney is a graduate of the program.

@rwinney and other members of the Chronic Pain group are very active in this discussion.
You can click on that group and there will be an option to read Oldest to Newest messages. Click on there, then, Newest. That will take you to the most current conversations.

Are you currently under any treatments for your symptoms?


Oh my goodness, 20 years of suffering is a very long time. I hope you find some answers soon.

Mayo Clinic also has a Pain Rehabilitation Clinic that is very successful in helping people to cope with their chronic situations. One of my fellow mentors, @rwinney is a graduate of the program.

@rwinney and other members of the Chronic Pain group are very active in this discussion.
You can click on that group and there will be an option to read Oldest to Newest messages. Click on there, then, Newest. That will take you to the most current conversations.

Are you currently under any treatments for your symptoms?

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I don't require coping skills lol 20+ years I require answer's and strong medication.


Oh my goodness, 20 years of suffering is a very long time. I hope you find some answers soon.

Mayo Clinic also has a Pain Rehabilitation Clinic that is very successful in helping people to cope with their chronic situations. One of my fellow mentors, @rwinney is a graduate of the program.

@rwinney and other members of the Chronic Pain group are very active in this discussion.
You can click on that group and there will be an option to read Oldest to Newest messages. Click on there, then, Newest. That will take you to the most current conversations.

Are you currently under any treatments for your symptoms?

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Treatment yes... opioid Treatment.. 147 medications later opioids are the only things that work. Biological meds didn't even touch it.


As for rehabilitation that is something of a huge failure for me and only put me into the hospital as it sped up my symptoms and ever since then It's been downhill for me, lost my jobs lost my marriage and now lost my girlfriend.


Is there anyone who is suffering from severe chronic pain for a long time in Eastern Ontario Canada.? I'd love to connect to discuss pain


Is there anyone who is suffering from severe chronic pain for a long time in Eastern Ontario Canada.? I'd love to connect to discuss pain

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Hi @chronicpaincanada, Welcome to our international community. Are you looking for services specific to Ontario, Canada?


Hi @chronicpaincanada, Welcome to our international community. Are you looking for services specific to Ontario, Canada?

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Hi Colleen

No just looking for fellow pain sufferers, as for services I've exhausted all programs and services available here. Want to connect to folks who have idea's or know good doctor's.


Hello @chronicpaincanada. I'm sorry to learn about the loss your chronic conditions have caused. I understand you are frustrated and disappointed, and I empathize.

After 20 years and only being age 42, I encourage you to reassess your circumstances. Do you think doctors have been incompetent? Do you think there may be a magic fix, cure or medication that can help you? Its confusing and draining when all we chronic pain sufferers want is to be better.

Based on my experience with chronic pain throughout my body, doctors having no answers, and taking opiates, I strongly encourage you to take a look at this video from Mayo Clinic's Dr. Sletten on Central Sensitization Syndrome. It may bring a new perspective. Here it is:

Do you mind getting back to me with your thoughts on this video?

Also, @loribmt posted a link to Mayo Clinic for you to apply. Have you yet? If not, do you plan to?

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