can you get rabies from petting a animal and then picking a scab

Posted by zach151 @zach151, Jun 20, 2023

I was petting one of my outside cats we do not know we she came from I know she has been to a vet because her ear is snipped she does not have any sign of rabies after petting her I forgot to wash my hands and picked at a sore on my arm. Could I get rabies from this

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Hi @zach151 I think the likelihood of contracting rabies from this particular cat would be pretty low. If it’s been to a vet and has a clipped ear, she’s been spayed. From my experience, these feral cats which are spayed or neutered and released are also given a rabies vaccination.

I found an article relating to this for you:,that%20do%20not%20need%20to%20be%20trapped%20again.

However, since there is an open sore, it’s important to be mindful of any bacteria causing infections. So keep an eye on it to check for any signs of infection. But as for rabies, I think you can put that worry behind you. ☺️

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