Can the reaction to OFEV change over time

Posted by robtlhughes @robtlhughes, Jan 26 11:24am

I've been taking OFEV for about three years with no serious or annoying side effects. About a month ago diarrhea started with a vengeance. No change in diet or medications. Can an OFEV reaction appear suddenly like that?

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I was taking OFEV prior to my Lung Transplant, the only side effect I had (luckily!) was occasional diarrhea. I made a change in my diet and it went away. A few months later it came back, didn’t change my diet, but got to looking at what I was eating and when. 2 things I found, and changed, was that I had eaten “overly ripe” citrus prior to the return of the diarrhea, and also I had changed the order of some foods. Such as having a Protein Drink for a mid morning snack, then soup for lunch, then yogurt for an afternoon snack. I changed that up to have a more “roughage” based item for 2 of those three. This made all the difference!
Hope this helps you identify, and correct your issue.


I've given myself a one-week OFEV vacation. When I resume, I'll give give your diet a try for a few weeks. Many thanks. Bob


I was offered Ofev back in June 2024when I was first diagnosed and refused because of the side effects. It seems from some of the comments that they can be managed so I'm reconsidering and will discuss with my pulmonary doc when I see him again next month. Thank you. Ann in Arizona.


Ann in Arizona,
You live in a wonderful state. I'd encourage giving Ofev a try. I've been able to manage the side effects, and I believe it has lengthened my life. When I started four years ago, I picked up one tip in the group that has worked well. For breakfast: eat a bananna, take the pill and the drink a container of something called Premier Protein. It's sorta life Ensure. I believe it was eating chocolate or dates that disagreed with me recently. Good luck.


Thanks for the advice, Bob.

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