Can Sugar increase symptoms of neuropathy
I am 51 & was diagnosed with PN in July of last year.
I am diabetic, but my A1C has never been over 8.9 & is currently 5.4 (up from 5.0 in October.) My GP says my sugar isn’t causing neuropathy & my neurologist says it probably is.
Anyway, I take 300 mg of gabapentin, 3X a day. Until recently it was well-controlled. Last week I added magnesium glycenate to the regimen.
In December I lost my pet to old age & that broke my heart. My mother also recently had surgery & people were bringing food. So between Christmas, depression/sadness & all the extra sweets, I have had more sugar lately. I am now having the sharp pains in my feet again & really cannot stand to wear shoes/socks for long periods of time. I go back to neurologist this coming Monday.
All this to say - could the increased sugar intake over the past three months have brought on the increased pain, even if A1C is only 5.4?
Do the neuropathy socks help?
What about the creams for the feet?
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I’m beginning to think that’s my culprit.
I am not a diabetic but I find that eating sugary foods does make the tingling in my feet and legs worse. Sugar in general is an inflammatory food. I avoid it.
Yes, once you stop eating sugar (almost EVERYTHING in the USA has sugar in it). Eating Low Carb is the way to achieve this. Good luck, I try but I’m unable to; I’m addicted to sugar. It takes about 3 days of eating NO sugar- NONE before you stop craving it but it’s a tough 3 days for me.
I only know that sugar causes inflammation but I don’t think your A1C would make a difference in your present situation. I believe if you stop your sugar intake you’ll probably notice the difference in the inflammation around 3-7 days.
I‘ve never heard of neuropathy socks. Are they like compression socks?
I have no idea but I keep seeing ads for them. You know how your feed fills up with anything you’ve researched on your phone? Well, I’m seeing all the ‘neuropathy cures.’ One that supposedly helped was a kind of sock. I personally do better with no socks/shoes but my friend can’t stand to be barefoot. It’s so weird.
Yeah, it’s kinda creepy the way our phones listen to us via microphone or text. Facebook & Instagram are the worst. Since I changed my settings not to allow them use of my microphone my ads have been less about what my husband and I talk about. There’s also a setting in Facebook to change that feature too. Don’t ask me how to do it because i don’t remember. I was just determined to do it.
In the winter I wear these awesome wool socks to keep my feet from freezing. Plus we have wood floors throughout our home so i wear slip on tennis shoes the minute I get out of bed. It helps my numb, freezing feet. I’m old too.
The first thing I do when I get home is take off socks & shoes. That seems to make mine worse. Wild to me how everyone is so different in regards to this.
Also wild is how feet can feel frozen, have burning sensation, be totally numb, and yet not be able to tolerate even a sheet touching them ~ all at the same time.
I am not diabetic mine in autoimmune. Yes, sugar affects neuropathy. Dr Anne Oaklander told my to stay away from sweets which increases neuropathic pain. You can google Dr Anne Oaklander she has a lot of lectures on the internet about neuropathy.