Can one stop taking prolia after the first shot?

Posted by imatine @imatine, Mar 6, 2021

Hello everyone, my mom is 84 year old and she got osteoporosis since 8 years. She took prolia last October. She started to feel a lot of pain in her legs now. I am thinking she shouldn't take the 2nd shot but I am afraid of the consequences. Did anyone here stop the prolia at an early stage!? If so what happened? Thank you

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I hear the terms "vetebral" fractures", but what does that mean and has anyone experienced these when discontinuing Prolia?

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vertebral fractures are a fracture of any of the vertebral bodies of the spine. These fractures are particularly unkind because they permanently reduce the height of the vertebra. Compression fractures heal in the deformed state of the fracture. Most of these fractures are anterior and force the body alignment into a forward position. Some prolia patients experience these fractures at multiple levels.


i had 1 shot of prolia and had such a severe reaction i can never take it agai and yes i had so far 2 compression frractures and several upper respiratories so there are consequences


Hi everyone...I had my first Prolia shot on 4/6/23 and had great results for 1st 6 days. On day 7, I woke up and was in so much pain I literally couldn't move. Had to walk with walker for several days, and couldn't leave house for over a week. The list of horrible side effects goes on from there. There is no chance I'll be getting a 2nd shot, and was very worried about the rebound effect of stopping. I did a lot of research on this, and was very happy to find that the rebound thing only starts to take effect after 2nd shot, and 12 months of treatment. It gets worse the longer you are on it. Hope this info helps anyone else who is a one and done with Prolia.

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My 6 month shot of Prolia ended this week and I am seeing a new rheumatologist-my endocrinologist never informed me of severe side effects of Prolia which I experienced. I was advised actonel but would truthfully like to go the exercise and supplement route. I had chemo 7 years ago and that I believe wore down my bones. I do a tremendous amount of weightbearing exercise- my dexa scan levels are not horrible- beginning stages of osteoporosis.


bocabird, you really have to take a bisphosphonate after Prolia. And you can't wait. The after effects of Prolia are known to cause fractures, even cascade fractures. But definitely go the exercise and supplement route as well. You might ask your provider to order CTx so that you can understand when the dangerous after effects of Prolia have abated. The cells that destroy our bones are greatly enhanced after Prolia because Prolia prevents them from developing fully and they collect half formed just waiting until the Prolia is gone.


bocabird, you really have to take a bisphosphonate after Prolia. And you can't wait. The after effects of Prolia are known to cause fractures, even cascade fractures. But definitely go the exercise and supplement route as well. You might ask your provider to order CTx so that you can understand when the dangerous after effects of Prolia have abated. The cells that destroy our bones are greatly enhanced after Prolia because Prolia prevents them from developing fully and they collect half formed just waiting until the Prolia is gone.

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Thank you for the info.


I'm on Prolia for the past 2 years injection in February and the 2nd one in August. I'm getting extremely anxious about having this substance in my body. My side effects so far are not too bad...but I am concerned about continuing on it. I need dental work and I believe that is very dangerous. I am also experiencing muscular pains in my legs at night and aim very tired. I'm 62 and I don't think I should be feeling so tired and also so stiff after sitting or driving for a while.
I would respectfully like to ask advice on what I should replace Prolia with as I have read that it is not possible to just stop it.
My doctor did not mention any side effects when she prescribed this for me.
I wonder was there any point in taking it at all or was it better if I never had taken it .
Thanks for reading this.


More likely, than possibly you are having good bone density gains from Prolia.
Not everyone has problems with dental work, but it isn't advised while on this medication. Cleaning and cavity filling are fine, but root canals or tooth removals are better delayed. Your dentist should have the best advice.
If your next injection is in August you could talk to your endocrinologist about changing medications. Usually, bisphosphonates are recommended after Prolia. Evenity is another option you may have. "When administered after denosumab in postmenopausal women with low BMD, romosozumab increased BMD in the lumbar spine by 2.3% and maintained BMD in the hip . . .
Both choices have the risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw with dental work. Evenity has less of a risk of ONJ,
You'll probably be happy that you have taken Prolia and happier still when you are no longer taking it.
Any of these medications can offer discomfort. I hope it will be an easy transition.


Thank you so much @gently ...that is very helpful. I am only realising the possible problems with Prolia.

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