Are tremors related to Relapsing Polychondritis?

Posted by ocean22 @ocean22, Jun 10, 2023

Can neurological problems as trembling be related to RP?

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@ocean22 I’d like clarification on your question so that I can be more helpful. We aren’t medical professionals here at Mayo Clinic Connect. We support one another and we can provide information on where you can get care or more information.

Does trembling refer to tremor as in resting tremor or intentional tremor?

What does RP stand for?


@ocean22 I’d like clarification on your question so that I can be more helpful. We aren’t medical professionals here at Mayo Clinic Connect. We support one another and we can provide information on where you can get care or more information.

Does trembling refer to tremor as in resting tremor or intentional tremor?

What does RP stand for?

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Both resting and intentional


@ocean22 I’d like clarification on your question so that I can be more helpful. We aren’t medical professionals here at Mayo Clinic Connect. We support one another and we can provide information on where you can get care or more information.

Does trembling refer to tremor as in resting tremor or intentional tremor?

What does RP stand for?

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Sorry: RP stands for Relapsing Polychondritis.


@ocean22 Thank you. I have asked for the title of your Discussion to be changed so that our members will better understand your question.

It will also help if you would like to reply to my message with the following information. It’s up to you what or how much you’d like to share. I’m just making the suggestion.

Have you been diagnosed with Relapsing Polychondritis? Or are you writing about someone else such as a loved one? Where are the tremors? Hands? Other parts of the body? Do you have tremors when your limbs are not doing anything (resting)? Do you have tremors when you reach for or are doing something with your limbs (intentional)? Have you spoken with your doctor already about the tremors and if so, what did your doctor say?


I was diagnosed 10 years ago, after 2 years with recurrent red ears, nose and eyes.
To day my throat has narrowed, my joints are swollen and painful, especially in summertime and I have dermatology problems.
And then I´ve tremors, both when I'm resting and when I make any movements, which again can lead to cramps.

I come from a small country with only a few diagnosed with RP (relapsing polychondritis) and no experts among the doctors. Neurological symptoms attached to my disease, is unknown (even though you can google it)

I would like to know if anyone here has experiences with trembling connected to a RP diagnose?

About changing the title, I have no ideas, but thank you for writing. I need facts about RP and neurological symptoms.

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