Can I drink oat milk 1 hour after taking levothyroxine?

Posted by dezibella @dezibella, Jul 3, 2023

I know I need to wait 4 hrs after taking levothyroxine to take calcium supplements and milk. But what about plant milks? One cup of Oat milk has 350 mg cakcium, that’s half of the calcium supplements i took in the morning. Thanks

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Hi @dezibella, Welcome to Connect. You might want to discuss this with your doctor but I think the answer is no even with oat milk as it contains some calcium.

"Can I have oat milk after taking levothyroxine?
Dairy products—including milk, cheese and yogurt—contain high calcium levels, which affect how levothyroxine is absorbed into your body. Drinking milk or eating other calcium-rich foods less than 4 hours before or after taking levothyroxine can reduce the absorption of the drug, lowering its efficacy."
--- How long after taking levothyroxine can you drink milk?:

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Hi @dezibella, Welcome to Connect. You might want to discuss this with your doctor but I think the answer is no even with oat milk as it contains some calcium.

"Can I have oat milk after taking levothyroxine?
Dairy products—including milk, cheese and yogurt—contain high calcium levels, which affect how levothyroxine is absorbed into your body. Drinking milk or eating other calcium-rich foods less than 4 hours before or after taking levothyroxine can reduce the absorption of the drug, lowering its efficacy."
--- How long after taking levothyroxine can you drink milk?:

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I have been taking Levothyroxine for almost 14 years, and never knew about waiting at least 4 hours after to take milk or calcium containing products. I had a total thyroidectomy as a result of Thyroid cancer. I will consult with my Endo. Thanks!


I have been taking synthroid for over 30 years. For the last 10 at least I have taken it with morning coffee and milk. Numbers always in range. Never have waited. Doctor approves since number fine.


I have been taking synthroid for over 30 years. For the last 10 at least I have taken it with morning coffee and milk. Numbers always in range. Never have waited. Doctor approves since number fine.

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We are trying to figure out how to provide my Dad’s Levothyroxine daily dose, since his schedule changed. He’s had some decline, is sleeping much more and is taking more meds….when to fit it in on empty stomach and not within 4 hours of other meds is difficult with his new schedule.


I am not a doctor and do not think it appropriate to advise. I only know I have never been told to take Synthroid on an empty stomach or any amount of time before or after eating. Have been on it since 1988 for thyroid nodules.


I am not a doctor and do not think it appropriate to advise. I only know I have never been told to take Synthroid on an empty stomach or any amount of time before or after eating. Have been on it since 1988 for thyroid nodules.

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Ok. I take it too and have always been told those instructions. I take mine first thing, but I do drink my 1 teaspoon of milk immediately afterwards in my coffee. I eat over 30 minutes later.

I would imagine it’s difficult for seniors who have so many meds and sleep schedule to be too strict. We’re doing the best we can. Our goal is to reduce his meds to comfort care only asap.

Glad yours works out ok. Thanks.


My husband had thyroid cancer and a total thyroidectomy in 2008, then started Levothyroxine. He doesn’t remember any instructions regarding timing or dietary restrictions pertaining to calcium. He has some other medications for other conditions to manage throughout the day. So he just takes the Levothyroxine during the night or early morning hours when he gets up to pee. It turns out to be pretty consistent and prevents any interaction or interference from other medications or food and calcium. When in doubt it is best to ask the prescribing doctor or the pharmacist who fills the prescription.


I can only comment on my experience. As a person who enjoys a cup of coffee first thing in the morning with a cream or cream alternative, I've always found it difficult to have consistency taking my synthroid.

My solution over the last 10 or 15 years is to just take it when I get up in the middle of the night many times to pee. I set it out on the bathroom counter next to my little cup as a reminder and it's so simple and such a great solution and my numbers are very consistent.

Good luck finding a solution. Wish you the best!


My instructions for this was take an hour before eating. Probably due to faster absorption rate that way. I have just considered not eating food and not beverages. I always take it in the morning. But that fits my routine.
Message the health team regarding your concerns. The best to you.

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