Can anyone share their experience with Pluvicto?

Posted by vcash @vcash, Apr 22 8:35pm

My 85 year old dad has prostate cancer that has metastasized to his bones. Zytiga is no longer effective. He is considering Pluvicto. I would appreciate input from those who have used Pluvicto.

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How much do you trust your oncologist?

He/she is just totally wrong in telling you the FDA doesn't have enough data to support it's use.

It USED to be that you had to have been treated with chemotherapy before qualifying for Pluvicto. That is no longer true. I just had my fifth Pluvicto treatment and I elected to not have chemotherapy.

There seems to be a hierarchy or tier to all the various types of cancer treatments available. A person newly diagnosed would not likely start out with Pluvicto. It's quite a ways down the line after several other, less drastic, avenues have been tried and have run their course.

It sounds like you might benefit from a second opinion from a different, more knowledgeable oncologist.


My experience with Pluvicto hasn’t begun yet because my Oncologist tells me the FDA doesn’t have enough data to support its use. I am told that I have to be treated
with chemotherapy before I qualify for Pluvicto.
Can someone help me make sense of this.
Thank you, Philnob

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You are getting very bad advice from your oncologist! Pluvicto has been approved by the FDA for several years for commercial use, after many years of clinical trials and peer-reviewed publications. Second, it is no longer a requirement to undergo chemotherapy before Pluvicto. You need to find a new oncologist ASAP. This one is either not current on prostate cancer treatments or doesn't want to bother getting up to date. Run, don't walk, away!

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