CA 19-9 and pancreatic cancer: What do the numbers mean?

Posted by lisarlee @lisarlee, Feb 1, 2020

What is your opinion on these numbers? Was diagnosed in September 2019 and my ca 19-9 was 7500. New number yesterday was 909 after 9 chemo sessions. Is this good news or a wasted test?

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To LML -your statement "feeling of threat" is profound, I was not able to phrase it as that. And denial crops up also - reverts to childhood thought process for me; if not recognized it may go away. My spirituality is very sincere with daily thoughts of that I am here. Six years now and fighting for more life and daily prayers of thanksgiving.. We have to keep the LIFE a very superior element of our thinking. Your last sentence "Cancer --- and continuing to the end of your paragraph", I recall when the Dr. spoke the word cancer - can only describe my brain as expanding and retracting. I asked my son who was standing near me if he was okay with this - he said yes; and everything ran its course since then. Please try to move past what we feel is our life sentence - I try to live in the thoughts of Brother Lawrence, "The Practice of the Presence of God". Wishing you peace and courage. P.

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@fatherray, I bet many can related to the feeling of your "brain as expanding and retracting" as you tried to comprehend the words of the doctor telling you that you had cancer.

When were you diagnosed with cancer? Was it pancreatic cancer?


PS, any issues with insurance covering this drug treatment?

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No problem with Humana PPO. In fact over 7 years, whipple, all types of chemo, sbrt radiation, and Creon, have never been turned down by Humana for anything. They have been great


PS, any issues with insurance covering this drug treatment?

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My wife's insurance is covering it. Commercial insurance through my former employer which actually is self-insured administered by UHC. The infusion center was concerned about coverage and applied for a subsidy from the manufacturer, Ipsen. They do have a subsidy program but we didn't need it.


Thank you for this reply, I appreciate it! My husband is currently on a maintenance-type dose of single agent gemcitabine and it seems to be holding things in check for now but I will definitely be asking his oncologist about Onivyde when we see him next week in Rochester. CA 19-9 remains high (around 5000) but we are nearly three years out from his Whipple surgery and still glad to be here - hoping for many more years. Take care!

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PS, any issues with insurance covering this drug treatment?


@buckslayer I can't address whether Mayo uses Onivyde. My wife's treatments have been at Johns Hopkins and locally at Advent Health Cancer Center in Central Florida. Onivyde was actually first approved in 2015 and is the only chemo agent which is specifically approved for pancreatic cancer. All of the other agents, 5fu, leucovorin, irinotican, oxalyplaten, cisplaten, gemcitibine, abraxane etc are all generic gastro chemos and have been available for decades. We only learned about Onivyde when I insisted that my wife be put back onto folfirinox because the GAC and GA treatments had failed but her original folfirinox treatments had actually gotten her CA19-9 below 30 and the primary tumor was necrotic when they opened her up. After 2 onivyde treatments my wife's CA19-9 was down by 59% and we're hopeful that we see additional significant reductions and that the previously identified tumor has stabilized or shrunk by the next scan. Good luck to you and hopefully your doctor has other options or trials available.

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Thank you for this reply, I appreciate it! My husband is currently on a maintenance-type dose of single agent gemcitabine and it seems to be holding things in check for now but I will definitely be asking his oncologist about Onivyde when we see him next week in Rochester. CA 19-9 remains high (around 5000) but we are nearly three years out from his Whipple surgery and still glad to be here - hoping for many more years. Take care!


Do Mayo Clinic oncologists use this new chemo treatment? Our doc has not mentioned it as an option when Fox and Gem stop working......

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@buckslayer I can't address whether Mayo uses Onivyde. My wife's treatments have been at Johns Hopkins and locally at Advent Health Cancer Center in Central Florida. Onivyde was actually first approved in 2015 and is the only chemo agent which is specifically approved for pancreatic cancer. All of the other agents, 5fu, leucovorin, irinotican, oxalyplaten, cisplaten, gemcitibine, abraxane etc are all generic gastro chemos and have been available for decades. We only learned about Onivyde when I insisted that my wife be put back onto folfirinox because the GAC and GA treatments had failed but her original folfirinox treatments had actually gotten her CA19-9 below 30 and the primary tumor was necrotic when they opened her up. After 2 onivyde treatments my wife's CA19-9 was down by 59% and we're hopeful that we see additional significant reductions and that the previously identified tumor has stabilized or shrunk by the next scan. Good luck to you and hopefully your doctor has other options or trials available.


My wife's recurrence was treated with 8 GAC treatments then 10 more GA treatments. The CA19-9 bottomed out after the 6th GAC treatments but started rising despite "staying the course" with more treatments. We were ready to quit treatments because the side effects are so debilitating and our requests to go back on folfirinox were being rejected. Finally, we got the approval to switch to Onivyde (same as folfirinox but with the liposomal modified irinotican). After 2 Onivyde treatments, her CA19-9 has dropped 59%! We won't get another scan until after the 6th treatment but now have renewed hope that the cancer can be beaten. Our oncologist is also reviewing clinical research for additional agents for treatment and eventual maintenance. CA19-9 is only one data point but has been very good at predicting recurrence or absence of tumors for my wife.

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Do Mayo Clinic oncologists use this new chemo treatment? Our doc has not mentioned it as an option when Fox and Gem stop working......


I hope they got you started on the Onivyde quicker than my wife. I'm not happy with the oncologist's logic that the GAC/GA needed to stay the course. It meant extra months of a failing regimen. I really hope this wasn't an insurance requirement. For both of you, I'll be praying that the Onivyde stays effective and side effects bearable.

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I went on a clinical trial specifically for my rare genotype and did well for 2 months but then became resistant. They then put me the current regimen of Onivyde and few side effects and hopefully it is keeping things at bay. I will let you know how the CT scan turns out.


I hope they got you started on the Onivyde quicker than my wife. I'm not happy with the oncologist's logic that the GAC/GA needed to stay the course. It meant extra months of a failing regimen. I really hope this wasn't an insurance requirement. For both of you, I'll be praying that the Onivyde stays effective and side effects bearable.

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Beach Dog
My wife had her scan 0n 1/21/22 after the 4 treatments of Onivyde and the tumors that increased in size while on Gemzar remained stable which is a plus . The Gemzar worked well for her post whipple in 2016 and a couple of years back but not this past Fall. Onivyde restarts on Tuesday 2/15/22 for another 4 treatment cycle.
Should also see CA 19-9 on Tuesday's blood work and hopefully those #'s will begin to fall once again
Still battling issues with Eliquis , continued coughing!!!
Has been a long journey that began mid 2015 but the fight goes on


I had to move from Folfirinox to Gemcytobene as well but my CA19-9 rose with ut. I am now on same regimen as your wife and CA19-9 is stable. I have lesions in the liver as well and will do a CT in two weeks...hope to see stabilization rather than progression of disease. The best to your wife.

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I hope they got you started on the Onivyde quicker than my wife. I'm not happy with the oncologist's logic that the GAC/GA needed to stay the course. It meant extra months of a failing regimen. I really hope this wasn't an insurance requirement. For both of you, I'll be praying that the Onivyde stays effective and side effects bearable.

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