Burning in inner thighs and needle pinch burning in feet

Posted by sufiyan2kom @sufiyan2kom, Nov 20, 2023

4 months ago my inner thighs started buring when i was standing and walking for few steps, after 2 months my feet started burning and feeling like niddle pinching. I have done diabatis test, vitamins test D and B12 test, thyroid are normal. Even did nurve conduction studay and surel nurve biopsy all are negative except I have decresed disk space L4/L5 and L5/S1 and MRI report attached. Please advise is there any other investigation required and What could be the problum causing.

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I believe that it is caused by your disc disease. I have the same issue. PT, epidural injections, and medication. Nothing works for the pain so far. Pain management over the years and now neurosurgeon involved.


I believe that it is caused by your disc disease. I have the same issue. PT, epidural injections, and medication. Nothing works for the pain so far. Pain management over the years and now neurosurgeon involved.

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But I have consulted neoro surgeon and physician none has told me its becausr of disc. They said sitting job person will have this much of disc issue and its normal.


Hello @sufiyan2kom. You will notice that the images you included in your post have been removed due to the personal information that was visible. I did this to protect your privacy from spammers. You mentioned a battery of testing and it sounds like ultimately it was determined you are having disc issues. What are the recommendations that you have been given?


Thanks for removing the images
I have consulted neoro surgen and physician they advised me to take gabain hcl 300 with amittriptaline 10 mg. Also he has given multivimin tablets to improve nurve health.


Also the surgon told me disc issue is due to my sitting job and its normal to have this much disc space reduced.
I dont have back pain or hip pain, however I am doing some spine related excercises after office hours.


Hi Everyone, I request advise from group members
I have burning, niddle pinching sensation in my feet from last 6 months and same symptoms in my left hand from 02 months. In SEP-23 I did the ANA profile, nurve conduction studay, Surel nurve biopsy, vitamins, diabatis and thyroid test all are negative with no diagnosis. I have mild nurve pinch in L4/S1 for which docter said it is due to sitting job. Presently I am taking gabapin and vitamin B12 medicine.
Last week again I did nurve conduction studay which was normal.
Please advise reasons possibly why I am feeling burning niddle pinching sensation in my feet.
Also advise if there is any other test I have to do.


Hi Everyone, I request advise from group members
I have burning, niddle pinching sensation in my feet from last 6 months and same symptoms in my left hand from 02 months. In SEP-23 I did the ANA profile, nurve conduction studay, Surel nurve biopsy, vitamins, diabatis and thyroid test all are negative with no diagnosis. I have mild nurve pinch in L4/S1 for which docter said it is due to sitting job. Presently I am taking gabapin and vitamin B12 medicine.
Last week again I did nurve conduction studay which was normal.
Please advise reasons possibly why I am feeling burning niddle pinching sensation in my feet.
Also advise if there is any other test I have to do.

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Hey Sufiyan2kom,
I can relate to what you describe. I have experienced something quite similar. I don’t have answers either. I’m hoping things will resolve in time or I’ll run across a good explanation. Maybe, someone else will post, who’s had this before. I’ll just condense what I had discovered. The good news is that my symptoms are a little better. I’m grateful for that.

I had tingling and some numbness in both feet with an intermittent burning spot on bottom right side of right foot about the size of a quarter. Podiatrists disagree on whether it’s neuropathy. And, nighttime tingling in hands awakening during sleep. Tests negative for neuropathy according to neurologist. Months earlier VB12 deficiency, which I resolved in a few weeks. Also, diagnosed with post covid syndrome. Spine condition unknown. The hands hardly ever tingle now and the burning spot burn is reduced by 80%. I still have numbness, but is reduced. I haven’t started on meds, but do attend talk therapy weekly.

How long has your Vitamin B12 been normal? Have you had covid? Have you had anxiety prior to the symptoms?

I’ve done a lot research and am prepared for the possibility that I do have neuropathy and my doctor was wrong. And, I’ve read about this syndrome that involves burning skin sensation. There is also burning mouth syndrome. I had burning throat for a short time. The cause of these is unknown to my knowledge. I’ve read anxiety may play a role. I consider any explanation at this point.

Does the Gabapentin help your symptoms?


Hi Everyone, I request advise from group members
I have burning, niddle pinching sensation in my feet from last 6 months and same symptoms in my left hand from 02 months. In SEP-23 I did the ANA profile, nurve conduction studay, Surel nurve biopsy, vitamins, diabatis and thyroid test all are negative with no diagnosis. I have mild nurve pinch in L4/S1 for which docter said it is due to sitting job. Presently I am taking gabapin and vitamin B12 medicine.
Last week again I did nurve conduction studay which was normal.
Please advise reasons possibly why I am feeling burning niddle pinching sensation in my feet.
Also advise if there is any other test I have to do.

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Yes, Gabapin reduced the symptoms and vitamin tests were always normal but still taking B12 and from 2 days started alpha lupic acid 600 mg a day. I did not get covid however I have anxiety from many years now. I am consulting with psychiatrist these days as there is no explicit reason for my nurve problum. I am very much worried about neoropathy and unknown cause is making me anxious. Do you take any medicine to control symptoms and after how many months you started feeling better. Any specific tests or therapy and medicine helps please suggest.


Hi Everyone, I request advise from group members
I have burning, niddle pinching sensation in my feet from last 6 months and same symptoms in my left hand from 02 months. In SEP-23 I did the ANA profile, nurve conduction studay, Surel nurve biopsy, vitamins, diabatis and thyroid test all are negative with no diagnosis. I have mild nurve pinch in L4/S1 for which docter said it is due to sitting job. Presently I am taking gabapin and vitamin B12 medicine.
Last week again I did nurve conduction studay which was normal.
Please advise reasons possibly why I am feeling burning niddle pinching sensation in my feet.
Also advise if there is any other test I have to do.

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Please also advise why did you attend talk therapy and how it is helping you.


Yes, Gabapin reduced the symptoms and vitamin tests were always normal but still taking B12 and from 2 days started alpha lupic acid 600 mg a day. I did not get covid however I have anxiety from many years now. I am consulting with psychiatrist these days as there is no explicit reason for my nurve problum. I am very much worried about neoropathy and unknown cause is making me anxious. Do you take any medicine to control symptoms and after how many months you started feeling better. Any specific tests or therapy and medicine helps please suggest.

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I took Gabapentin for 2 weeks, but had to stop due to blurred vision. During that time, my burning was almost completely gone, but it didn’t affect the tingling or numbness. Right now, even though I don’t take the Gabapentin anymore, my burn spot is about the same as with the med. I’ve learned it may take months or years for the B12 deficiency damage to repair,

The neurologist prescribed me Lexapro, which I have not started yet. I hesitated for several reasons, including side effects and getting off it. Anyway, when I went to the neurologist, I also had fasciculations throughout my body. He said to treat my symptoms, since there was no neuropathy. My reading indicates that not only can covid cause the tingling, numbness, etc., but so can anxiety. I do have extremely high anxiety right now due to a family situation that I’m trying to resolve. Plus, it runs in my family.

So, I began therapy to help with my anxiety and the physical ailments that I have. Plus, I have smell and taste disorders (from covid) that is very stressful and emotionally draining. And, I’m in the process of a metamorphosis …physically and emotionally. (Lost 60 pounds so far and getting into shape. Lots of changes.) I love therapy and believe it really has helped me a lot! I’m trying to let go of pains and ailments and focus on my good health. I’m fortunate to have good energy, motivation and a good healthy body, with a few exceptions.

I hope you can figure out what you’re experiencing. I get satisfaction from gaining information about ailments, but sometimes it works against me and pushes me to anxiety. I have to put the brakes on it.

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