Bummed: Colon cancer has metastasized to my liver!

Posted by tinad @tinad, Jul 6, 2020

I’ve been cancer free for 4 years and now it has metastasized to my liver!!! Ugh! I’ve had the liver resection, stomach resection and gallbladder removed only to get news halfway through chemo (2nd time around) that there may be disease at the liver surgical site and chemo is not working. My blood work does not indicate any tumor activity but I’m scared and anxious that the cancer has in fact survived the chemo blast. I’m active, I eat well, I’m not over weight, I don’t have a family history of colon cancer, I haven’t had any polyps since the original one went haywire...I feel defeated by something that was never on my radar to being with! I want options.

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I am learning that you have to be your own advocate when it comes to this disease. Sites like this are a valuable source of information. There are various hospitals that offer the HAI pump. While Mayo in Florida does not offer this treatment, Rochester location does but only for unresectable livers. I just went through the tumor removal and liver resection. It was a very tough surgery. In a few weeks I will have a body scan, if my cancer comes back I too will be looking into the HAI pump. Best of luck to you.


So sorry to hear it. My liver is covered with so many tumors that a resection isn't possible. I have been doing chemo for a year and I am unable to get the top tier chemo drugs for colon cancer anymore; so regular chemo is no longer keeping my tumors in check. I had the HAI pump implanted in March and it is my last best hope since it can deliver such strong chemo directly to my liver. (The verdict is still out on if it's working. For various reasons I was only able to start my "pump chemo" recently). I just wish I had known about it a year ago so I could have been attacking the tumors with the top line chemo (which was working) and getting the HAI pump chemo at the same time. I feel like I wasted a year going through chemo and that maybe if I had had the HAI pump implanted early on, a liver resection could have been possible. I only learned about the HAI pump last Dec. My oncologist was not familiar with it. It's not done everywhere even though MSK has been doing it for 20 years. I had to pursue it on my own. So I find myself trying to tell anybody who will listen about the pump in case it might save someone. I'm sorry it's not an answer for you. But I wish you the best of luck with your treatment. Hang in there. I hear so many stories about how people do get through this and come out the other side with a life. I sure wish that for you.


Have you looked into the HAI pump? It pumps chemo directly into your liver and since your liver is where everything is metabolized they can pump something like 400 times the normal dose of chemo without it hurting the rest of your body; only the liver is affected. They will only do it if your colon cancer is contained to the colon and liver. It's not available everywhere. My original Drs. didn't know anything about it. MD Anderson in Houston doesn't do it, but MSK in NYC has been doing it for 15-20 years. I have recently had the pump implanted at MSK in NY. If there's some way to send me a personal msg with your phone number I would happily give you a call tell you all I know about it.

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My liver is currently cancer free. The disease has popped up in two small areas of omentum and one spot in my left lung. That would have been an option prior to resection but I don’t think I would benefit from that now. Although I do appreciate the recommendation.


Have you looked into the HAI pump? It pumps chemo directly into your liver and since your liver is where everything is metabolized they can pump something like 400 times the normal dose of chemo without it hurting the rest of your body; only the liver is affected. They will only do it if your colon cancer is contained to the colon and liver. It's not available everywhere. My original Drs. didn't know anything about it. MD Anderson in Houston doesn't do it, but MSK in NYC has been doing it for 15-20 years. I have recently had the pump implanted at MSK in NY. If there's some way to send me a personal msg with your phone number I would happily give you a call tell you all I know about it.


Have you try holistic approch . Vitamisn c i fusion i am looking in that beside chemo

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I have not tried vitamin c iv. I do take Metformin, doxycycline, Mebendazole, Lipitor and supplements.


Doc was not in the office today so conversation on options has been pushed to Monday.

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Have you try holistic approch . Vitamisn c i fusion i am looking in that beside chemo


I am also stage IV colon. And all other options have been exhausted, doc recommends lonsurf, what is your experience withit?

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November will be three years for me on Lonsurf but I also take a host of supplements and on the Care Oncology protocol with the blessing of my oncologist. I’ve had several scans and am staying stable but no reduction of disease. I do not have any pain, I stay active, eat a low GI diet, stay positive and look at this as a chronic condition but fight for a cure if that makes sense. It’s all I got at the moment but NOT complaining!


My husband has stage 4 liver metastasis from colon cancer. Has been on 5 Fu with bev irinoteczn, xeloda, and showed liver metastasis reducing slightly. Then off for a moth and showed increase, diagnosed with hi pylori with antibiotics. In constant pain given morfin and we are going in for the celiac plexus block which hopefully will last .also had Y90 on left lobe snd next week for right lobe. Taking lonsurf. But he has lost a lot of weight 10 kilos and now staring a bit of eating hope these are the right treatments. Also am tired of taking to nurse practioners so next week am asking we speak to an MD from now on. Any advice for getting weight on and prognosis of therapy indicated.

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Sorry, my english is not very well. You can translate with translator. Next, I speak in my languange to you.

Halo, sangat prihatin sekali mendengar hal ini.
Saya juga saat ini sedang mengalami metatasis stadium 4 dari cancer usus besar yang telah menyebar ke lever.
Saya saat ini sedang mengambil langkah pengobatan kemoterapi, dengan menggunakan obat avamab (target kemoterapi) untuk lever saya.
Saya paham sekali apabila lever sedang kambuh sakitnya. Sangat menyakitkan, dan saya juga saat ini juga sedang mengalaminya. Rasa perih di tambah dengan kontraksi sampai bisa menyebar perihnya ke daerah lain, dimana saaat ini saya sedang mengalami di daerah bahu kanan saya.

Tips saya:
Walaupun bagaimana pun, saat ini rasa sakit bisa tidak konstan timbulnya pada diri saya karena saya mengubah total pola makan saya.
Saat ini saya sudah meninggalkan secara total semua daging, junk food, makanan cepat saji, segala macam snack, minuman bersoda dan beralkohol, dan makanan atau minuman yang mengandung glukosa secara dominan. Minuman yang di proses pasteurisasi (seperti susu, yogurt, es krim).
Ini memang amat sangat tidak mudah, tetapi saya telah mencobanya dan sangat membantu saya.

Makanan saya saat ini lebih banyak ke sayur mayur, buah-buahan, jenis daging yang berdasar daging putih seperti ikan saja (bukan seafood secara garis besar).
Semoga dapat membantu.


My husband has stage 4 liver metastasis from colon cancer. Has been on 5 Fu with bev irinoteczn, xeloda, and showed liver metastasis reducing slightly. Then off for a moth and showed increase, diagnosed with hi pylori with antibiotics. In constant pain given morfin and we are going in for the celiac plexus block which hopefully will last .also had Y90 on left lobe snd next week for right lobe. Taking lonsurf. But he has lost a lot of weight 10 kilos and now staring a bit of eating hope these are the right treatments. Also am tired of taking to nurse practioners so next week am asking we speak to an MD from now on. Any advice for getting weight on and prognosis of therapy indicated.

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I am also stage IV colon. And all other options have been exhausted, doc recommends lonsurf, what is your experience withit?


My husband has stage 4 liver metastasis from colon cancer. Has been on 5 Fu with bev irinoteczn, xeloda, and showed liver metastasis reducing slightly. Then off for a moth and showed increase, diagnosed with hi pylori with antibiotics. In constant pain given morfin and we are going in for the celiac plexus block which hopefully will last .also had Y90 on left lobe snd next week for right lobe. Taking lonsurf. But he has lost a lot of weight 10 kilos and now staring a bit of eating hope these are the right treatments. Also am tired of taking to nurse practioners so next week am asking we speak to an MD from now on. Any advice for getting weight on and prognosis of therapy indicated.

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