Bummed: Colon cancer has metastasized to my liver!

Posted by tinad @tinad, Jul 6, 2020

I’ve been cancer free for 4 years and now it has metastasized to my liver!!! Ugh! I’ve had the liver resection, stomach resection and gallbladder removed only to get news halfway through chemo (2nd time around) that there may be disease at the liver surgical site and chemo is not working. My blood work does not indicate any tumor activity but I’m scared and anxious that the cancer has in fact survived the chemo blast. I’m active, I eat well, I’m not over weight, I don’t have a family history of colon cancer, I haven’t had any polyps since the original one went haywire...I feel defeated by something that was never on my radar to being with! I want options.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.


@martin77, the cycling trip in France sounds amazing. What region did you explore?

Drat! I'm sorry to hear that the cancer has made a reappearance in the liver. But hopeful that a resection is the answer. Luckily there several treatment options available for liver mets, including surgery, image-guided interventional therapies, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. I'll be interested to learn what options are available for your specific situation.

Until then, keep pedalling that bike.

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Hi Colleen. We did a circular tour of the Cherbourg peninsular in Normandy. Day 1 was to Utah Beach down the East coast to see the American D-Day museum which was amazing. Then south and west to Avranches for nice views of Mont St Michel before heading back up the west coast. Lots of fine French food and wine to enjoy!
Three small cancerous spots have been found on my liver as a result of a CT scan in May followed by a PET scan and an MRI in June. I've been told that surgery provides the best chance of a cure but follow up chemo might be necesssary. Thanks for your comments on the options available. I shall discuss all of these with the team looking after me at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge.
Whilst waiting for a date for the operation I am indeed keeping up the pedalling! Another 35 miles today and the same again on Thursday, so life goes on as normal.


Hello Colleen. Yes, that's correct - secondary liver cancer. Recent scans have indicated 3 spots each about 1 cm in diameter, not sure of the depth. All very frustrating as I feel 100% fit and have no symptoms. I have returned recently from cycling 305 miles in France over 7 days and another 100 since (albeit on an e-bike!) I'm waiting for a date for a liver resection, probably early August. C'est la vie!

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@martin77, the cycling trip in France sounds amazing. What region did you explore?

Drat! I'm sorry to hear that the cancer has made a reappearance in the liver. But hopeful that a resection is the answer. Luckily there several treatment options available for liver mets, including surgery, image-guided interventional therapies, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. I'll be interested to learn what options are available for your specific situation.

Until then, keep pedalling that bike.


@martin77, am I understanding correctly that your cancer has metastacized to the liver? Or do you have a new primary cancer of the liver?

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Hello Colleen. Yes, that's correct - secondary liver cancer. Recent scans have indicated 3 spots each about 1 cm in diameter, not sure of the depth. All very frustrating as I feel 100% fit and have no symptoms. I have returned recently from cycling 305 miles in France over 7 days and another 100 since (albeit on an e-bike!) I'm waiting for a date for a liver resection, probably early August. C'est la vie!


Very interested to read about experiences of colorectal liver cancer as that's just what I've been diagnosed with, having had a great 15 months since coming off chemo in March 2023 following a stage 3 colon resection in November 2022. I found the Mayo forum very helpful during that time and no doubt will find it so again in the coming months. It's frustrating at present feeling 100% fit with no symptoms yet knowing something is wrong inside. Having just finished a week's cycling in France of 305 miles I'm hoping a good level of fitness will come in useful during what I understand to be a complex operation to remove 3 small spots identified by recent scans. I guess early diagnosis via scans represents a huge improvement.

Next step, a pre-assessment meeting at my hospital in Cambridge UK prior to an operation in late July / early August. A discussion about HAI pumps will be on the agenda.

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@martin77, am I understanding correctly that your cancer has metastacized to the liver? Or do you have a new primary cancer of the liver?



I had the HAI surgery last August at Duke. Unfortunately, my body rejected the pump and it had to be removed after an infection 12 days later. However, I had a liver resection and am on Keytruda and Avastin which work well. I'm a healthy and active stage 4 person. I work full time, hike, eat well, and enjoy life. Yes, I have my limitations and down days, but please know there are options.

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Sorry to hear of the pump rejection but very encouraging news on the whole.


Here's more information about HAI pump at Mayo Clinic

- Hepatic artery infusion pump chemotherapy spares livers and saves lives https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/cancer/news/hepatic-artery-infusion-pump-chemotherapy-spares-livers-and-saves-lives/mac-20539443

And a specific discussion about it with other members here:
- Hepatic artery infusion chemotherapy (HAIC) pump for liver mets https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/haic-pump-for-liver-mets/

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I had the HAI surgery last August at Duke. Unfortunately, my body rejected the pump and it had to be removed after an infection 12 days later. However, I had a liver resection and am on Keytruda and Avastin which work well. I'm a healthy and active stage 4 person. I work full time, hike, eat well, and enjoy life. Yes, I have my limitations and down days, but please know there are options.


Very interested to read about experiences of colorectal liver cancer as that's just what I've been diagnosed with, having had a great 15 months since coming off chemo in March 2023 following a stage 3 colon resection in November 2022. I found the Mayo forum very helpful during that time and no doubt will find it so again in the coming months. It's frustrating at present feeling 100% fit with no symptoms yet knowing something is wrong inside. Having just finished a week's cycling in France of 305 miles I'm hoping a good level of fitness will come in useful during what I understand to be a complex operation to remove 3 small spots identified by recent scans. I guess early diagnosis via scans represents a huge improvement.

Next step, a pre-assessment meeting at my hospital in Cambridge UK prior to an operation in late July / early August. A discussion about HAI pumps will be on the agenda.


I also am currently on lonsurf so far bI guess it is going ok. As far as symptoms it is hard to say as I have been on it only 3 sessions . Also, suffering with very bad Edda in my legs and pelvis area . Swollen beyond belief . Doctors thinking of draining the pelvis . Legs another issue needed to remedy . That all in all has diverted attention away from any side effects

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Welcome, @sandra38. Do you also have stage 4 colon cancer? I'm so sorry to hear about the swelling and edema. Have you had the pelvic area drained?


Here's more information about HAI pump at Mayo Clinic

- Hepatic artery infusion pump chemotherapy spares livers and saves lives https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/cancer/news/hepatic-artery-infusion-pump-chemotherapy-spares-livers-and-saves-lives/mac-20539443

And a specific discussion about it with other members here:
- Hepatic artery infusion chemotherapy (HAIC) pump for liver mets https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/haic-pump-for-liver-mets/

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A point of interest. A good friend of mine in the late 1990s had colon cancer that mets to his liver. Both lobes with over 18 tumors. He was part of the clinical trial for the liver pump at MSK.
He lived over 16 years and his quality of life was pretty good. He was given 6-18 months to live when he was diagnosed. The pump was a miracle for him.


I also am currently on lonsurf so far bI guess it is going ok. As far as symptoms it is hard to say as I have been on it only 3 sessions . Also, suffering with very bad Edda in my legs and pelvis area . Swollen beyond belief . Doctors thinking of draining the pelvis . Legs another issue needed to remedy . That all in all has diverted attention away from any side effects

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