Bummed: Colon cancer has metastasized to my liver!

Posted by tinad @tinad, Jul 6, 2020

I’ve been cancer free for 4 years and now it has metastasized to my liver!!! Ugh! I’ve had the liver resection, stomach resection and gallbladder removed only to get news halfway through chemo (2nd time around) that there may be disease at the liver surgical site and chemo is not working. My blood work does not indicate any tumor activity but I’m scared and anxious that the cancer has in fact survived the chemo blast. I’m active, I eat well, I’m not over weight, I don’t have a family history of colon cancer, I haven’t had any polyps since the original one went haywire...I feel defeated by something that was never on my radar to being with! I want options.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.

I also am currently on lonsurf so far bI guess it is going ok. As far as symptoms it is hard to say as I have been on it only 3 sessions . Also, suffering with very bad Edda in my legs and pelvis area . Swollen beyond belief . Doctors thinking of draining the pelvis . Legs another issue needed to remedy . That all in all has diverted attention away from any side effects


I have not tried vitamin c iv. I do take Metformin, doxycycline, Mebendazole, Lipitor and supplements.

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Thank you for your information.
Has the use of Mebendazole been effective for you?


Are you being treated by an oncologist? How did you get the Rx for those items?

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Care Oncology assigns an oncologist to you and they use Pharmacy Solutions to fill the RX. The meetings are virtual. I also have my oncologist locally that I’ve seen since diagnosis. Before starting with Care Oncology I discussed the option of adding their protocol to my existing treatment and he gave his blessing.


I have not tried vitamin c iv. I do take Metformin, doxycycline, Mebendazole, Lipitor and supplements.

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Are you being treated by an oncologist? How did you get the Rx for those items?


I am learning that you have to be your own advocate when it comes to this disease. Sites like this are a valuable source of information. There are various hospitals that offer the HAI pump. While Mayo in Florida does not offer this treatment, Rochester location does but only for unresectable livers. I just went through the tumor removal and liver resection. It was a very tough surgery. In a few weeks I will have a body scan, if my cancer comes back I too will be looking into the HAI pump. Best of luck to you.

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Here's more information about HAI pump at Mayo Clinic

- Hepatic artery infusion pump chemotherapy spares livers and saves lives https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/cancer/news/hepatic-artery-infusion-pump-chemotherapy-spares-livers-and-saves-lives/mac-20539443

And a specific discussion about it with other members here:
- Hepatic artery infusion chemotherapy (HAIC) pump for liver mets https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/haic-pump-for-liver-mets/


Have you looked into the HAI pump? It pumps chemo directly into your liver and since your liver is where everything is metabolized they can pump something like 400 times the normal dose of chemo without it hurting the rest of your body; only the liver is affected. They will only do it if your colon cancer is contained to the colon and liver. It's not available everywhere. My original Drs. didn't know anything about it. MD Anderson in Houston doesn't do it, but MSK in NYC has been doing it for 15-20 years. I have recently had the pump implanted at MSK in NY. If there's some way to send me a personal msg with your phone number I would happily give you a call tell you all I know about it.

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@susan159, it would be helpful if you were to post your experience about the hepatic artery infusion (HAI) pump chemotherapy in this discussion to help multiple members.

How are you doing with the pump? What are the side effects like?


Have you try holistic approch . Vitamisn c i fusion i am looking in that beside chemo

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@giacinta40, Vitamin C infusions are often talked about on social media as a potential treatment for cancer. It's not a proven treatment yet, although it continues to be studied.

Here's more information from Mayo Clinic:
- High-dose vitamin C: Can it kill cancer cells? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cancer/expert-answers/alternative-cancer-treatment/faq-20057968


Drink macha green tea is good tol


I am learning that you have to be your own advocate when it comes to this disease. Sites like this are a valuable source of information. There are various hospitals that offer the HAI pump. While Mayo in Florida does not offer this treatment, Rochester location does but only for unresectable livers. I just went through the tumor removal and liver resection. It was a very tough surgery. In a few weeks I will have a body scan, if my cancer comes back I too will be looking into the HAI pump. Best of luck to you.

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I alredy srnt a messrge to my dovyor i want to exsplore this


I am learning that you have to be your own advocate when it comes to this disease. Sites like this are a valuable source of information. There are various hospitals that offer the HAI pump. While Mayo in Florida does not offer this treatment, Rochester location does but only for unresectable livers. I just went through the tumor removal and liver resection. It was a very tough surgery. In a few weeks I will have a body scan, if my cancer comes back I too will be looking into the HAI pump. Best of luck to you.

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