Broken Heart Syndrome/grief

Posted by bezrineb224 @bezrineb224, 1 day ago

Hi. I'm new and don't know where to start.

My brother and best friend is in late stages of a rare form of non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He' still fighting with a 50/50 chance of the last option chemo working.

I am devastated. I believe I have broken heart syndrome, as does my daughter. Any tips on managing this grief? Any suggestions are helpful.

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Sorry to hear about your brother. It is always devastating to realize a loved one is sick. Support and involvement help. Being there helps both of you. Support groups. Therapies. Meds sometimes help.


If I understand correctly, Broken Heart Syndrome feels like a heart attack. Are you having such symptoms--chest pain, difficulty breathing? If so, I'd go to the ER because the cause isn't really known. If it isn't that physical, grief and fear can still be extremely painful. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother, and hope for the best for him. When I was widowed, the first thing I did was go to my PCP and talk to her. She ruled out anything physical, and treated me with care and compassion. Then I attended a grief group, which really helped. Is there anything you are doing that is helpful to you?


@bezrineb224. My brother and I are very close and he's my best friend. When my brother was diagnosed with prostate cancer all I wanted to do was drop everything and get on a plane to be by his side. He assured me that if I was needed he would let me know as he had plenty of support. So, although the cancer diagnoses are different for your brother and mine I do understand the fear and grief. My brother is 4 years younger than me and so living without him is simply unimaginable to me.

What are you doing to take care of you?


I'm sorry that your brother is so ill! That must be very hard for you and your daughter! My husband died of lung cancer in July, 2024. What we did all through his illness was pray often. This helped me immensely also when he died. You don't have to go to a church; although they can be very comforting at a time like this. You just have to talk to God like he's your best friend and he is. Also tell your brother how much you both love him and pray with him if he is physically able. If not, just pray by him holding his hand. Ask God to help you all get through this very difficult time and he will.
I will say a prayer for all of you also.

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