Breast infection possible cellulitis

Posted by jane88c @jane88c, 6 days ago

Had my first mammogram two weeks ago, mass found in left breast, biopsy done last week (benign fibroadenoma). Over the weekend biopsy site got red and the redness spread to 1/3 of breast. Went to ER yesterday and was diagnosed with cellulitis and started on antibiotics. No fever, slight discomfort and swelling in breast-looks ugly with redness and bruising. Mayo breast clinic appt not until end of July. Worried about infection and possible spreading to deeper tissue or becoming sepsis. Anyone have similar experience?

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@jane88c Cellulitis is a serious infection and so it's good that you got yourself on antibiotics so quickly. I can understand your worry about deep tissue and sepsis.

Also it's very good news that the. mass was benign.

Have you followed up with your primary care provider? If the redness is starting to go away then I'd expect that the antibiotics are working but if you were my sister I'd pester you about following up with your doctor and make sure the cellulitis is going away.


Thank you so much for the reply! I have been assessing the area every few hours and it’s very hard for me to tell which direction it’s heading either way. My biopsy site is on the front of my breast and for me to look down at it I can’t see hardly anything. I do *think* it might be less red but it’s no where near gone. I am hopefully going to be seen my breast surgeon locally where I live this week but my pcp who I saw yesterday after my ER visit this weekend shrugged and told me she didn’t know what it was. Very hard to get opinions from general pcp doctors who aren’t well versed in post op complications or infections


Thank you so much for the reply! I have been assessing the area every few hours and it’s very hard for me to tell which direction it’s heading either way. My biopsy site is on the front of my breast and for me to look down at it I can’t see hardly anything. I do *think* it might be less red but it’s no where near gone. I am hopefully going to be seen my breast surgeon locally where I live this week but my pcp who I saw yesterday after my ER visit this weekend shrugged and told me she didn’t know what it was. Very hard to get opinions from general pcp doctors who aren’t well versed in post op complications or infections

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@jane88c First I’d like to say that your PCP who shrugged and said she didn’t know what it was must have missed that lecture or clinical experience. My impression (and my husband who is a retired physician will back this up) says that cellulitis is very serious and potentially life-threatening. Another symptom that surgeon told me is that in addition to the redness the skin will feel warm to the touch. I got pretty bashed up after I fell off my bike and I happened to be in a class with a physician (who is a friend). She took one look at the wound, felt it (warm to the touch) and told me to go immediately to urgent care. Anyway, this could surely occur after a biopsy given the procedure that punctures the skin and I would think most PCPs would be very well versed in infections.

It’s good that you’re going back to the breast surgeon this week. You can show them the area on your breast and get their impression. When is your appointment with the breast surgeon?

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