Bras during radiation

Posted by lexuskbe @lexuskbe, Dec 30, 2023

I am about to start radiation for 15 days and wondering about bras during this time. What did you do?

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I forgot to mention in my (much) earlier post is that due to how much damage is done to our skin during chemo and radiation that during that period I swore off all adult cleansing products and used only Johnson & Johnson baby wash and shampoo.


I highly recommend Jean’s cream it was developed for a loved one of a chemist. I tried the calendula cream and it wasn’t as good. I had 33 days of radiation ( I was over radiated because the radiologist wouldn’t listen to the latest research I brought him ) so I suffer terribly from Burns and had to take a week off radiation at my own existence. Jeans gave me a lot of relief because I had 3 to 3° burns. Your radiation is shorter you shouldn’t experience anything like that so the quality lovely work for you but I still recommend jeans cream and as far as bras if you could possibly wear a T-shirt instead of a bra until you’re healed it would help but I just bought blouses to the two sizes bigger so we’re very loose so no one noticed God bless you and keep you and I hope your radiation is short and ungrateful as far as Any side effects


I highly recommend Jean’s cream it was developed for a loved one of a chemist. I tried the calendula cream and it wasn’t as good. I had 33 days of radiation ( I was over radiated because the radiologist wouldn’t listen to the latest research I brought him ) so I suffer terribly from Burns and had to take a week off radiation at my own existence. Jeans gave me a lot of relief because I had 3 to 3° burns. Your radiation is shorter you shouldn’t experience anything like that so the quality lovely work for you but I still recommend jeans cream and as far as bras if you could possibly wear a T-shirt instead of a bra until you’re healed it would help but I just bought blouses to the two sizes bigger so we’re very loose so no one noticed God bless you and keep you and I hope your radiation is short and ungrateful as far as Any side effects

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Thanks for the tip, but what is Jean’s cream? Where can we purchase it? Sorry, I never heard of it...



I started going braless after my lumpectomy. When I visited a wig shop to purchase and be fitted with a wig, I told the owner I hope she didn't have a problem with my not wearing a bra because it was just too uncomfortable. She replied, "You do you, not my business." She became a friend. A year later we attended a visitation for a fellow red hatter (she conned me into joining), and she mentioned later that some old ladies there had commented on my lack of bra. Instead of being embarrassed I gave her what for for even mentioning it to me, and that the old biddies had no business looking there. Four years later I only wear a bra if I'm going someplace special and it would be very obvious. Otherwise I don't even think about it which I think portrays the image that I don't care what you think, this is me, take it or leave it. It also helps that I recently read an article that in 1992 the court decided that women in New York state were legally allowed to go topless anywhere men were so allowed.

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Lol, I don’t think I will start going topless anytime soon, and I do wear a kind of bra most days. The minute I am home it comes off. 😂


Thanks for the tip, but what is Jean’s cream? Where can we purchase it? Sorry, I never heard of it...


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Jean’s cream is the label Iinthink you can find it on Amazon. I received it from a cancer patient who knows tge chemist. Look up Jean’s cream on line they have their own website where you can purchase it.I highly recommend it


I had no problem with the radiation until the last two days. Became severely sunburned especially under my armpit. Almost black in some spots. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I had DCIS and a lumpectomy.


Just finished 15 radiation treatments on 12/26. I went without a bra to keep any pressure off the radiated area. I am using mometasone 0.1% cream twice daily and vanicream in between. After radiation completed, I started to have skin breakdown this week.


I completed 15 days radiation 2nd week December 2023. I used Cetaphil in lieu of Aquafor as that’s what I had and doc approved it. I had surgery to remove cancer & sentinel node biopsy in October. When I had radiation, keep in mind I have sensitive skin anyway, it seemed to make both places hurt worse. Although it wasn’t during summer months, I chose not to wear bra unless I went out. I had bought some bras on Amazon prior to surgery & continued them during radiation if I went out. I did not know about a comfort sling. Do what makes you comfortable & take care of you. Hugs & prayers to all you brave warriors. ❤️

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