Books About Being Sick

Posted by Miriam, Volunteer Mentor @mir123, Oct 12, 2023

I'm looking to read some books--non-fiction but fiction welcome too--about being seriously ill. I'm not too interested in standard narratives: I got very ill, was rescued by (sometimes horrible) treatments, and lived to tell the tale. I'm looking for well written explorations that include relationships, spirituality, life itself, even adventure. I'd love to know more about--how to be sick, how to be chronically ill, how to manage, how to die, how to understand ourselves. Suggestions very welcome. Thank you in advance.

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Thanks to whomever raised this question as reading and breathing are my respite from progressive/incurable disease.


Why Christians Get Sick is an interesting read although I am not Baptist. How Not To Die is an interesting series too.


My friend wrote a book while on hospice with stage 4 breast cancer. The sharing of her journey was so insightful, and though I didn’t know it at the time, prepared me in many ways for what I was about to go through. It is called “The Hardest Peace” by Kara Tippetts. Another book I’ve read recently that has had a profound effect on how I view my illness and especially the element of my mortality is “The Art of Dying Well” by Katy Butler. I honestly think everyone should read this book at some point. It really sheds light on some important things we need to decide what we believe about.


Why Christians Get Sick is an interesting read although I am not Baptist. How Not To Die is an interesting series too.

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Thank you!


My friend wrote a book while on hospice with stage 4 breast cancer. The sharing of her journey was so insightful, and though I didn’t know it at the time, prepared me in many ways for what I was about to go through. It is called “The Hardest Peace” by Kara Tippetts. Another book I’ve read recently that has had a profound effect on how I view my illness and especially the element of my mortality is “The Art of Dying Well” by Katy Butler. I honestly think everyone should read this book at some point. It really sheds light on some important things we need to decide what we believe about.

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I really liked the Katy Butler and thank you for the other suggestions.


I found this book to be a godsend when recovering from a major surgery: "Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient: Reflections on Healing and Regeneration " by Norman Cousins. Wishing you all the best.


I found this book to be a godsend when recovering from a major surgery: "Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient: Reflections on Healing and Regeneration " by Norman Cousins. Wishing you all the best.

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Terrific--thank you.


The Long COVID Reader is out November 15 and may suit your reading interests.

The Long COVID Reader is out November 15 and may suit your reading interests.

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Very interested! Thank you.

In reply to @mir123 "Thank you!" + (show)

Thank you!

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You are welcome

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