Body aches and breathing Issues with recently placed Port: Thoughts?

Posted by myjiggers1 @myjiggers1, Sep 10, 2023

Hi guys. Um so Stage 3c colon cancer, had surgery and just got port put in 3 days ago for chemo to start. I have been experiencing some pain in my neck when I breath in, laugh, cough or eat and my nerves or veins hurt sporadically throughout my entire body. Knees, feet, shoulder, groin, thighs. Feels like a bunch of cotton balls are stuck in my chest unless I sit upright. Does anyone else have this problem, and will it get better? The port itself doesn’t hurt, just the hole above it. So scared for my first treatment Friday.

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You put me to shame and encourage me to get walking at the same time! Bless you! I am so happy everything looks good! Sounds like I’m on your schedule a year out! How many rounds did you handle of the Oxaliplatin? You sound stronger than me! They may not give me more of it if that’s what my reaction was to. I definitely do not want to repeat it because it was so very scary! I am very glad it happened in the chair there and not at home. Very blessed! God was holding me fast! I hope He continues to hold you fast as well! Thank you for your story and encouragement!

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