Body aches and breathing Issues with recently placed Port: Thoughts?

Posted by myjiggers1 @myjiggers1, Sep 10, 2023

Hi guys. Um so Stage 3c colon cancer, had surgery and just got port put in 3 days ago for chemo to start. I have been experiencing some pain in my neck when I breath in, laugh, cough or eat and my nerves or veins hurt sporadically throughout my entire body. Knees, feet, shoulder, groin, thighs. Feels like a bunch of cotton balls are stuck in my chest unless I sit upright. Does anyone else have this problem, and will it get better? The port itself doesn’t hurt, just the hole above it. So scared for my first treatment Friday.

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I can't help much with the port issues. Like you, I got a port installed on the right side for chemo after 3C colon cancer and removal of the entire colon and 108 lymph nodes. Chemo was over in Dec 2021, so they're supposed to arranging for port removal.

I had only temporary discomfort (3-days to a week) after they installed it outpatient. If I remember correctly, I got my port in mid March 2021 and chemo started thereafter in mid April 2021.

I've posted about my chemo experience in detail in other discussions here, but it is a marathon. I had FolFox6 - typical for colon cancer. After the chemo starts you feel weaker and sicker until you bottom out at the 5th day, then you start rebounding and get back to perhaps 90-95% of where you were prior to the chemo, then if your blood work checks out, you get to do it again - typically on a two week cycle. You'll experience nausea, constipation, neuropathy, loss of taste, sensitivity to hot/cold liquids, extreme fatigue. Take one day at a time, one step at a time, realize the first week of each cycle you're pretty much useless, that you'll get better the second week and push through it. I can also say that prayer was very helpful to me.

They may interrupt the two week cycle if you need to stop because of fatigue or side-effects. They told me nobody gets through the typical 12 cycles without a break. In my case, the oxaliplatin caused such severe side effects that midway they decided to drop it. They kept the 42-hour infusions of 5-FU. I hated the initial injection of steroids in the beginning of chemo that I asked them to cut it back to 5ml from the normal 10ml.

There's a lot of useful information on the internet about FOLFOX6, how it's done, how it works and personal experiences.

The good news for both of us is that I'm thankfully still here to encourage you that you can do it.


I can't help much with the port issues. Like you, I got a port installed on the right side for chemo after 3C colon cancer and removal of the entire colon and 108 lymph nodes. Chemo was over in Dec 2021, so they're supposed to arranging for port removal.

I had only temporary discomfort (3-days to a week) after they installed it outpatient. If I remember correctly, I got my port in mid March 2021 and chemo started thereafter in mid April 2021.

I've posted about my chemo experience in detail in other discussions here, but it is a marathon. I had FolFox6 - typical for colon cancer. After the chemo starts you feel weaker and sicker until you bottom out at the 5th day, then you start rebounding and get back to perhaps 90-95% of where you were prior to the chemo, then if your blood work checks out, you get to do it again - typically on a two week cycle. You'll experience nausea, constipation, neuropathy, loss of taste, sensitivity to hot/cold liquids, extreme fatigue. Take one day at a time, one step at a time, realize the first week of each cycle you're pretty much useless, that you'll get better the second week and push through it. I can also say that prayer was very helpful to me.

They may interrupt the two week cycle if you need to stop because of fatigue or side-effects. They told me nobody gets through the typical 12 cycles without a break. In my case, the oxaliplatin caused such severe side effects that midway they decided to drop it. They kept the 42-hour infusions of 5-FU. I hated the initial injection of steroids in the beginning of chemo that I asked them to cut it back to 5ml from the normal 10ml.

There's a lot of useful information on the internet about FOLFOX6, how it's done, how it works and personal experiences.

The good news for both of us is that I'm thankfully still here to encourage you that you can do it.

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Thank you! They warned me that I may not be able to make it all the way through the oxaliplatin, but that we will go as long as I can tolerate at for. I have had so much support with my church group and my work I get weekly cards and prayers. I know there’s probably about 700 people praying for me most of which I do not know but through our prayer chain and Facebook and it really has been a huge difference in how I handle things, I am very grateful for the love and support I have been given, and that my walk with Jesus has become much more personal and forward. I will add you to my prayers. I’m so glad you are still with us! I was very lucky as far as the colon goes they only had to do a resection of the beginning portion. I was very lucky and everything is working pretty darn good.


<p>I have not had my port more than 2 weeks yet, however it worries me. I get burning sporadically in the evening at the site and my heart has been getting sharp pain on the right side. I notified my home visiting nurse, who is going to discuss it with the Dr. Has anyone felt this? I’m worrying that my heart is getting pierced?! I do have small vessel disease of the heart. No other signs of infection. I also feel like my neck is exhausted at times?! Thoughts?</p>


<p>I have not had my port more than 2 weeks yet, however it worries me. I get burning sporadically in the evening at the site and my heart has been getting sharp pain on the right side. I notified my home visiting nurse, who is going to discuss it with the Dr. Has anyone felt this? I’m worrying that my heart is getting pierced?! I do have small vessel disease of the heart. No other signs of infection. I also feel like my neck is exhausted at times?! Thoughts?</p>

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I don't like the "going to discuss with the Dr." thing.

It may be nothing, but I'm thinking you should contact the doctor's nurse or the doctor ASAP.

My port has been trouble-free and am currently awaiting an appointment to have it removed.


Thank you! They warned me that I may not be able to make it all the way through the oxaliplatin, but that we will go as long as I can tolerate at for. I have had so much support with my church group and my work I get weekly cards and prayers. I know there’s probably about 700 people praying for me most of which I do not know but through our prayer chain and Facebook and it really has been a huge difference in how I handle things, I am very grateful for the love and support I have been given, and that my walk with Jesus has become much more personal and forward. I will add you to my prayers. I’m so glad you are still with us! I was very lucky as far as the colon goes they only had to do a resection of the beginning portion. I was very lucky and everything is working pretty darn good.

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Hi @myjiggers1, this related discussion is a little late for you, but I thought it still might be helpful:
- How to prepare for getting a chest port for chemo?

Have you been able to talk with your cancer team about the issues you're having with the port? Did they provide solutions? How did the first chemo treatment go?


Hi @myjiggers1, this related discussion is a little late for you, but I thought it still might be helpful:
- How to prepare for getting a chest port for chemo?

Have you been able to talk with your cancer team about the issues you're having with the port? Did they provide solutions? How did the first chemo treatment go?

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Hi Colleen! My 1st round…. Hmmm very emotional for me! Deathly afraid of needles no matter where they stab me! :). The numbing cream didn’t work. I had an allergic reaction to the oxypolatin which sent fire sensations under the port area. They shut it off, gave Benadryl, waited a bit and started it up slower. Was there 7 hrs for my first time.
I did talk to the team who decided that it was heart related and not my port. They don’t think the catheter is near the heart. So I made an appointment to have my heart checked and will be having an ultrasound and EKG. I am not sure what to hope for! Had some neuropathy on my right side for 1/2 the week and started to taper. So many little things… but I did it! And each time is closer to done! 😁


Thank you! They warned me that I may not be able to make it all the way through the oxaliplatin, but that we will go as long as I can tolerate at for. I have had so much support with my church group and my work I get weekly cards and prayers. I know there’s probably about 700 people praying for me most of which I do not know but through our prayer chain and Facebook and it really has been a huge difference in how I handle things, I am very grateful for the love and support I have been given, and that my walk with Jesus has become much more personal and forward. I will add you to my prayers. I’m so glad you are still with us! I was very lucky as far as the colon goes they only had to do a resection of the beginning portion. I was very lucky and everything is working pretty darn good.

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Thank you for your prayers. And great that you have a large prayer chain on your side. Our God is a great, great Father.

I also did not do well with the oxaliplatin to the point that they eventually took it out of my chemo after 5-6 cycles. I had some strange heart issues while doing chemo - eventually thought in part to be low blood pressure. Tweaking my BP meds helped. Also had them reduce the 10ml steroid injection at the beginning used to counter nausea because it caused nasty insomnia issues and constipation. Those may be of help to you.

All the best... Do not fear... God has this.


Hi Colleen! My 1st round…. Hmmm very emotional for me! Deathly afraid of needles no matter where they stab me! :). The numbing cream didn’t work. I had an allergic reaction to the oxypolatin which sent fire sensations under the port area. They shut it off, gave Benadryl, waited a bit and started it up slower. Was there 7 hrs for my first time.
I did talk to the team who decided that it was heart related and not my port. They don’t think the catheter is near the heart. So I made an appointment to have my heart checked and will be having an ultrasound and EKG. I am not sure what to hope for! Had some neuropathy on my right side for 1/2 the week and started to taper. So many little things… but I did it! And each time is closer to done! 😁

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@myjiggers1, what did you learn about your heart issues? You may ask about a cardio-oncology specialist or department.

Mayo Clinic offers a program to address heart problems associated with cancer treatment called cardio-oncology or for people who have a pre-existing heart condition when diagnosed with cancer. The Cardio-Oncology Clinic ( evaluates people prior to cancer treatment and patients who have experienced side effects due their treatment, and can help evaluate treatment when you have both cancer and heart conditions.

Do you have access to a similar cardio-oncology program?


@myjiggers1, what did you learn about your heart issues? You may ask about a cardio-oncology specialist or department.

Mayo Clinic offers a program to address heart problems associated with cancer treatment called cardio-oncology or for people who have a pre-existing heart condition when diagnosed with cancer. The Cardio-Oncology Clinic ( evaluates people prior to cancer treatment and patients who have experienced side effects due their treatment, and can help evaluate treatment when you have both cancer and heart conditions.

Do you have access to a similar cardio-oncology program?

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I do have a cardiologist but not in oncology. They have not called me with any results yet, however the pain has subsided. I am wondering if it was anxiety induced. I do suffer from high anxiety. Ugh idk.


I’m a 83 year old male diagnosed with colon cancer stage 3 in 2022. Removed 6 inches sigmoid colon,port installed in July ,started chemo in aug.lasted 6 months,ended in Feb.2023. No port problems at all,decided to keep in installed.cancer free as of today…only problems I have is numbness in hand fingers feet and toes,taste buds kind of out of wack. Gaining strength,walking up to 5 miles a hang in there and hopefully the end results will be beneficial.

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