Bleeding from urethra after sex

Posted by anonymousconcerns @anonymousconcerns, Feb 23 12:42am

I have never had blood come out of my penis before so I’m terrified. I had sex tonight and during ejaculation I felt a pain in my penis and the ejaculation no longer felt good. Then I went to urinate and noticed blood on my leg but not my penis, so I knew it wasn’t hers, and then I noticed blood come out with the beginning of the urine stream. It cleared up and was just urine pretty quickly, however the blood seemed to collect at the tip again a short time later. Do I need to go to the hospital? Why is this happening? My lower stomach has been making noises since and I’m nauseous, I don’t know if it’s related or if I’m just rattled about blood coming out my penis. I’m 26 by the way and any insight would be great as I’m scared shitless

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Small amounts of blood are often not serious but personally I wouldn't assume that. I would want to rule out it being serious. I would go have it checked out and even though they may not have an answer they should know if it's serious or not. I had blood I believe 9 times. 8 times were expected (kidney stone surgeries) once was a kidney infection. Always better to check things out sooner than later.
Best of luck ,


My doctor says sometimes sex can cause this. I would get a urinalysis as a follow up


Small amounts of blood are often not serious but personally I wouldn't assume that. I would want to rule out it being serious. I would go have it checked out and even though they may not have an answer they should know if it's serious or not. I had blood I believe 9 times. 8 times were expected (kidney stone surgeries) once was a kidney infection. Always better to check things out sooner than later.
Best of luck ,

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What’s your definition of small amounts


My answer was misleading I guess. Right after kidney stone surgery my blood was significant but after awhile I had blood but it was only seen under a microscope. Then it was just a waiting game. I might've taken antibiotics at that point for my kidney infection but I don't remember. I had blood after my kidney stones, it just went away in a week or so. I guess I would define small as only able to be seen under a microscope or with a test strip.
But I knew where all the blood was coming from. If I hadn't known, I certainly would've gone to the doctor as soon as I could. I'm a better safe than sorry kind of guy I guess.


I would get it checked out, definitely! ASAP




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