After 6 BCG treatments, biopsy is good: What is chance of recurrence?

Posted by nshaye @nshaye, Feb 1 12:16pm

Have papillarry uothelial carcinoma , high grade, had 6 treatments
of BCG over 6 weeks, two month later had biopsy, result looks "good", chance of cancer returning?

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@nshaye Excellent that it’s not muscle invasive. Sounds like you’re doing really well. Prayers 🙏 you are cancer free.


@nshaye Excellent that it’s not muscle invasive. Sounds like you’re doing really well. Prayers 🙏 you are cancer free.

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Wishing you the best...we all have hopes and Prayers for a normal future.


I am exactly in the same situation as you are; all six BCGs infusions completed. Cystoscopy showed no cancer after samples were taken. I know the feeling about worrying about cancer returning especially after seeing blood every once in a while, but was told that it is normal in my situation. Good luck and let's pray and hope that we both can keep the bladder wall from being invaded any further into the muscle tissue.


I am exactly in the same situation as you are; all six BCGs infusions completed. Cystoscopy showed no cancer after samples were taken. I know the feeling about worrying about cancer returning especially after seeing blood every once in a while, but was told that it is normal in my situation. Good luck and let's pray and hope that we both can keep the bladder wall from being invaded any further into the muscle tissue.

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Is the follow-up only periodic urine tests. If yes how offen?


Is the follow-up only periodic urine tests. If yes how offen?

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@nshaye, I agree with the others like @barondog. It's natural to think about cancer coming back. But first enjoy the "all clear" from the biopsy report.

Your cancer team should outline the followup schedule with you. It is different for everyone. Typically, your team will want to see you in 3 or 6 months. Your follow-up plan might include physical exams, urine or blood tests, and imaging tests (like MRI or CT scans). Of course, they'll also ask you how you are feeling and if you have any concerns.

Do you know when your next appointment is?


In my case surveillance is a cysto every 3 months for first couple years post TURBT.


My husband also had high grade UTC but muscle invasive and did BCG after surgery. Unfortunately his returned while he was on the maintenance schedule of BCG less frequently, so he was a BCG failure. He also failed with Keytruda which was tried after Cisplatin and Gemzar. His cancer was very resistant to treatment but he is now clear 3.5 years after a radical cystectomy. I hope the BCG treatment brings you a long term freedom of bladder cancer. Since it is a type of immunotherapy, also look into beta glucan as an immune system stimulant to help your immune system stay on top of any cancerous changes. Good luck as you continue with monitoring and celebrating each clear cystoscopy.


Blessings to you to remain cancer free. I start my BCG next week. I will be praying for everyone.


Great that you have stayed "clean". I just started my BCG and that is something always on my mind of catching the cancer again. And not just in the bladder. My urologist can watch over me for a several months/years for the bladder.
I have an onocologist that I am now seeing to monitor the rest of my body.
I had cancer before when I was 33 and now bladder cancer at 73. I currently have a weakened immune system plus other health problems. So seeing both gives me some piece of mind.

Not sure if allowed but had a good article about reoccurance of bladder cancer.
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