Birth Control Effectiveness

Posted by tonii01 @tonii01, Oct 7, 2022

Hi, I am a Nexplanon user for 3.6 years now. When I went to see my OBGYN for removal on my 3rd year mark, I was told that it can be used for up to 4 years so I kept it. I have irregular periods with it this time felt different. Does Nexplanon's effectiveness die down towards the end of it?

Sept 15 was the first day of my last period. On Sept 28, I had a pink spotting that went away the day after. Then I started having pregnancy like symptoms (light headed, cravings, fatigue, lower back pain, tightness in my abdominal area). I took a pregnancy test, it turned out negative. Another thing I noticed is that when I move too much or if I get tired my lower back pain gets worse and I would get abdominal cramps with light pink drops of blood when I wipe after pee.

My OBGYN is out of office and the scheduled appointment I have is not until 2 weeks. Please share your thoughts about my situation. Thanks.

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Hi @tonii01 I took a quick look at the Nexplanon website regarding their long term birth-control implant and it states that it is only effective for 3 years and must be removed at the end of the 3rd year. So I’d be a little concerned at this point of 4 years that it’s loosing it’s punch!

Here’s the website:

What you’re feeling right now might be your body returning to its normal menstrual/ovulation cycle because of the release of reproductive hormones again. If I were you, I’d consider using another form of birth control in the meantime until you can have that implant removed and replaced with a new one.
Not sure how to do this tactfully, but you might want to mention this information to your OB/GYN. That’s pretty scary if it’s only effective for 3 years and she’s saying 4. I know there can be carryover from the implants but for it to maintain the 99% rating the product has, it needs to be swapped out at the end of 3 years. Let me know how it goes, ok?


Hi @tonii01 I took a quick look at the Nexplanon website regarding their long term birth-control implant and it states that it is only effective for 3 years and must be removed at the end of the 3rd year. So I’d be a little concerned at this point of 4 years that it’s loosing it’s punch!

Here’s the website:

What you’re feeling right now might be your body returning to its normal menstrual/ovulation cycle because of the release of reproductive hormones again. If I were you, I’d consider using another form of birth control in the meantime until you can have that implant removed and replaced with a new one.
Not sure how to do this tactfully, but you might want to mention this information to your OB/GYN. That’s pretty scary if it’s only effective for 3 years and she’s saying 4. I know there can be carryover from the implants but for it to maintain the 99% rating the product has, it needs to be swapped out at the end of 3 years. Let me know how it goes, ok?

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Thank you for the response. My OB is out of office at the moment but I have talked to an advise nurse and she set up an appointment for removal on Monday. I still am concerned about the cramps and lower back pain, or maybe I read too much online that I think I may be pregnant.

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