Biopsy results, seeing urologist on (6/9/23)

Posted by rpeecher @rpeecher, Jun 5, 2023

Any input would be appreciated
Not sure of the next steps
In Portland Oregon
Insurance: Kaiser

Final Diagnosis
A13. Prostate, ROI#1, needle core biopsy:
- prostatic adenocarcinoma, Gleason grade 3 + 4 = score 7/10
involving 5 % of tissue ( 1 of 2 cores; 5 % grade 4)

A14. Prostate, ROI #2, needle core biopsy:
- prostatic adenocarcinoma, Gleason grade 3 + 4 = score 7/10
involving 5 % of tissue ( 1 of 2 cores; 5 % grade 4)

Prostate, remaining needle core biopsies x 12 :
- no tumor seen

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.


You should also check out They are another good source as well as Dr. Scholz'

I just finished PC radiation at Kaiser Nor Cal, specifically the Dublin RO clinic, in April. Aside from the 20 mile trek to Dublin each day, my experiences with them were actually pretty good. If you want to PM me here, I can give you a little more detail on my treatment regimen there. I get my after-treatment PSA check at the end of the month, but I'm optimistic for good results.

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Dr. Mohan is great, nothing but positive things to say about him. Was he your doc?


Dr. Mohan is great, nothing but positive things to say about him. Was he your doc?

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Dr. Rosenbaum is my urologist out of Walnut Creek, and will be handling my aftercare going forward. I had Dr. Sethi for my Brachytherapy and Dr. Giacalone as my RO during regular treatment. Liked working with all of them. Right there when I needed to ask questions, stayed on top of my treatment.

I had a good laugh when I met with Dr. Giacalone after my final treatment. He told me that he "never wanted to see me again." I agreed, and am hoping that he's correct! Then, it was bell ringing time.


I've got Kaiser in Nor Cal. Diagnosed G7 (4+3). I've got some opinions on Kaiser...
The advice on this and other forums is invaluable. Youtube can be your friend as you educate yourself. Check out the PCRI channel. Work your way through the search engine and ask specific questions here. Men here, and their wives, will give you personal stories and what to actually expect that drs, in my experience, gloss over or completely ignore. Research the genetic tests available. Some are very expensive but can be treatment changing. Get a second opinion at Johns Hopkins by Dr. Epstein; he may downgrade or upgrade your biopsy results. He's the go to guy and you will pay out of pocket but it should be your next first step.
There are many treatment options out there and it will take some time to educate yourself but after a month or so, it will make more sense. As I believe Dr. Scholz said, it's like the wild, wild west out there.
If you have any specific questions, message me. I've had phone calls with many guys here and they've all been helpful. Don't hesitate. Take care.

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Dr. Epstein's groups second opinion is $300..400 BTW. Well worth it!


After reading up and getting a second opinion from Dr. Epstein's group at Johns Hopkins ($300..400 well spent!), I chose radiation without ADT. ADT is very easy for docs to give; it also (like all the other PCa treatments) has a physiological cost.
The trick is, given incomplete information, imperfect tests and imperfect treatments, to choose enough but not excessive treatment, so that the cure (including side-effects) is better (not worse) than the disease.
This may be of interest:


I’m 68 very good health mt. Bike, workout 4/5 days a week. Also do a lot of dirt biking

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I am 65 and ride a road and mountain bike several times a week. My gleason score was 3+4 in two cores followed by the genetic decipher test which put me a low risk for mets. I had the first of two High Dose Radiation Brachytherapy on 6/12/2023 with the second coming up on 6/26. So far I have only some mild urinary problems. I was told that I should be able to return to "normal" activity within 2 weeks following my last treatment. Just to be on the safe side I plan on taking at least a month off from the bike. This week I have started back on some light aerobic exercise in the gym. You do have time to make a decision on what treament is best for you. I did not like the recovery time and the increase chance of incontience and ED with surgery and chose radiation. All of the treaments avaiable work well for a low or intermediate risk cancer contained to the gland. Do your research, I found the videos from the Prostate Cancer Research Insitute very helpful along with reviewing a variety of research papers. If you can be seen at a Center of Excellence for prostate cancer take advantage of this opportunity. I am currently treating at Mayo in Rochester.

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